woah, dragons! (pt.3)

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we'll see each other again, that's a promise.

disclaimer: this is not proofread, i'm sorry for the typos and grammatical mistakes in advance! i'll edit my chapters once i have time!

"so that building is basically a map... and grampa ryu recognised it. learning that the lost island is an island that looks like a 'warship' doesn't exactly solve everything."

nami mumbled under her breath, her mind elsewhere as she cupped her chin in thought.

the group had just finished exploring the ruins of the dragon temple and are now on their way down with the four boys struggling to drag grampa ryu's cart and not accidentally drop him.

the search wasn't completely fruitless, since they did find out that the island they were looking for was... somewhere. the point is— they saw a map that could lead to it, but even with nami's navigation skills, they're struggling to pinpoint the exact location of the said island.

they have an idea what to look for, at the very least.

but that's not the only problem the group is facing, since they're still missing a certain little archivist.

"i can hear something..."

"what? what do you hear?"

"like a piece of metal grating against a gravel ground or something..."

usopp only looked at zoro strangely, not really taking him seriously since the boy had been acting weirdly since [name] had been separated from them.

almost as if he was tense and... worried? well, it's zoro we're talking about. you wouldn't really know unless he says it himself.

"earlier, you heard dinosaurs and now... a metal grating against ground?"

"that's what happens when your brain is only occupied with booze and blades."

sanji snickered before getting kicked on the shin, almost letting go of his side of the cart in the process.

"what'd you say, shitty brows?!"

"hah?! you heard what i said, marimo!!"

surprisingly, zoro wasn't the only one who was out of character.

instead of dragging the cart with a usual peppy and goofy song, luffy looks like he's carrying both the cart and his own body. he looked out of it.

"i don't think i've seen luffy like this before... i mean, it hasn't been long since we all met but i've never seen him this depressed."

nami commented, and both usopp and apis nodded along in agreement.

"he looks like he hasn't had meat for a long time..."

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