Genji and Issac, Calum, Racism

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It was a snowy day. 😎

Genji has just passed out in the snow while looking for Issac.

Issac saved him and took him inside.

Genji finally woke up, sniffling cause he had a slight cold.

Why did you come look for me? You could've gotten hurt.. Issac asked, giving him some coffee.

"I was worried. You haven't responded to my calls." Genji says.

I don't really know how to use technology much.. Sorry. Issac says, sadly.

"It's alright, just find a way to let me know. Please." Genji states, sipping his coffee.

I can't invade someone's mind or soul at all to communicate, unless I have permission to do so, from someone else. He says.

"Well..I suppose you could with me, I have nothing to hide." Genji says, smiling.

Really? I haven't done this in a while, so whenever I try and communicate with you, you may get headaches of some sort. Issac says.

"Ah..well I don't sleep great anyways..?" He says nervously.

Well, I'm going to leave outside again, and if you see some angels come crashing in, don't panic. Issac says, walking outside.

"No! You're going to catch a cold!" Genji says, sniffling more.

He was gone, the snow was too foggy to see through.

Genji sat on the couch and tapped his legs nervously, waiting for Issac to come back.

Then, he heard a window break in the kitchen.

Genji panicked and grabbed his gun, running upstairs on all fours.

There were two angels that flew in, holding bows.

There was 1 upstairs, searching Issac's room.

Genji ran into the closet and closed the door.

The angel heard it and went to the room to check.

He held the gun with shaky hands.

The angel opened the closet.

"Begone murderer!" Genji hissed, shooting.

He kept missing and hit the walls.

The bullets hit off the wall and headshot the angel, killing it.

Genji gasped.

"I did it! I did it!! Take that mom!" Genji screamed, laughing.

The other angels come upstairs.

Genji panicked more and ran to the roof.

He got surrounded by the two and shot in the shoulder with an arrow.

"Ah!" Genji hissed, holding his shoulder in pain.

Where is Issac? The queen requested his presence. One says.

"Nowhere! Haven't seen him!" He hissed.

Take him for questioning in heaven. I'll look down here on earth. The second says.

"What?! No!" Genji says, jumping off the roof.


Genji screamed.

The two angels flew down to kill him.

But, one was killed when their head was chopped off with a spear.

Genji's eyes widened when blood got on his face, trembling.

Issac stepped in front of Genji, holding the spear towards the other angel.

 Invasion Falls (New Au crossover of Piggy and Gravity Falls) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant