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We saw the Viking again at noon. Tito looked in better shape than him, but if, as he said, Erk had deprived himself for him and had not slept, that was not surprising.

Lin came to our table to continue the debrief, accompanied by Doc.

- So, Erik, you told us about Mehdi, saying that it would be good to recruit him. Why?

- He's a Healer, like me. A surgeon but with the added ability to eliminate infections. For power, least double Cook's, but nowhere near mine.

- You say infections. Could he cure Tito's malaria?

- I can't say, Doc. As you know, malaria is parasitic. And Mehdi only had to treat my cuts, so, a priori, only bacteria...

- If he Healed you, why didn't he come with you?

- He said...

Erk stopped, looking at a loss.

- I don't remember...

- It's alright, Erk, said Doc, it must be exhaustion.

- Yes, but...

- Erik?

The giant turned to Kris.

- It doesn't matter if you don't remember.

- Yes, but...

I saw Tito tense up and remembered the Viking's panic attack when he learned his nickname. Would Erk have another one, focusing on not remembering? Kris just stroked his brother's hair and Erk blinked, a little surprised.

- Erk, said my little pal Tito, I remember what it was. He has someone keeping him there.

- Ah yes, it is coming back to me. Thanks, mate. Anyways. I told him he would be welcome.

- It's a bit dangerous, Erik, Lin said. But, she raised a hand, I know why you did it and you're right. Having another Healer, and one more powerful than Cook, can really help. Especially with your propensity to throw yourself between high velocity chunks of lead and the others.

Erk blushed.

- That said, let's wait and see what happens. For the rest, your patrol is on rest until Erik and Tito receive authorization from Doc to leave.

- Why for? asked the Viking.

- Erik... Do you want a list? Lin said. You were wounded four times, Tito could have died, both of you survived three weeks on ten days of rations for one person, you... you ate raw eggs, jerky and...

- When you came home, bróðir, you were barely standing on your shanks.

- Of course, you hit me.

- You wouldn't have fallen normally. And then, I was able to count your ribs!

- Bullshit!

- Yes, bullshit, said Kris with a small smile. But we saw them. Usually, we see your superb musculature and the phoenix, but here... Your phoenix had more bumps than usual, big guy.

- You fell asleep despite the ruckus we made while setting up the tables, so...

- Got it, Lin, Kris.

- Good. I'll leave you in Doc's gentle hands, Lin said, getting up from the table.

This was the signal for JD and Quenotte to bring two dishes of lasagna to the table. A normal-sized one, for us, and a slightly smaller one, for Erk and Tito, according to JD. Doc smiled.

- Cook and I improved the recipe so that you have more protein, Erk, and pasta, to build up some fat. Tito, it would be better if you ate from Erk's dish. You need fat, too.

Blood Lily Company - Afghanistan - Year 2Where stories live. Discover now