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Morning come, I think we had forgotten we had a baby with us, as she hadn't cried at all during the night. And when Baby Jane, who had the last shift, woke us up, we were moved by two babies, the giant one wrapped around the little one, both sleeping soundly.

As the child was sleeping deeply and the Viking still needed a little sleep, we let them alone while we had breakfast. It was the smell of Nescafe that woke Erk up.

He joined us, the baby in his arms, his eyes still full of sleep, not quite awake. I felt something awaken inside me while preparing porridge for the little girl. It took me a little while to understand because it was more than tenderness.

This guy is a mountain of muscles, powerful, imposing, strong. He has this dazzling smile that disarms you and you realize that, whether physically, with his immense strength, or mentally, with this smile that says he fears nothing or anyone and that makes you melt, he projects the image of a man who advances head high in life, without fear of obstacles. And that's true.

And then he shows up, not really awake, with the baby in his arms, showing vulnerability and then, all you want is to take him in your arms, protect him, tell him everything is okay and show him a world where the weather is always nice, where there are only storms behind a window, when you are warm by the fireplace...

That's the effect he has on me sometimes. Because his soul is so beautiful, so pure, because, despite the war, he manages to think about saving lives, he manages to play tag with kids, I want to preserve this purity and put it under glass, to only show him pretty things.

I'm thinking about that, and I see Kris melting, dripping, a little puddle of emotion at the foot of his love... It's in his eyes that I see that, this overflowing tenderness...

Erk had started to drink his coffee when the little girl woke up and started grumbling... well, that's a term that Mom used when you weren't screaming at the top of your lungs, but weren't far from it. Kris took the half-empty mug of joe and I held the mug of... I realized that Kris had made Erk's coffee in his own cup, since I was holding the Viking's.

I held it with both hands while he fed the little one, who ate it all.

Erk washed and changed the child again, Baby Jane went to wash the giant's henley while he dressed the baby with the dry clothes. To carry her more easily he made, with another henley and safety pins, a baby carrier, and to protect her, he loosened the straps of his bulletproof vest and wedged her inside, much to the chagrin of Kris who was beside himself with worry because of the risks involved.

As Kris became agitated and angry, Erk put an arm around his shoulders and pulled him close. With his free hand, he lifted his chin to look him straight in the eyes. Kris blinked slowly, seeming transfixed by the violet-blue eyes, then nodded.

During the three days it took us to get back north to the base, Erk – who looked like he had an ample bosom, like 48, K cup – took care of the child at every moment, without ever hesitating, as if he knew what to do. As if he had been taught.

We only stopped to change her and prepare something to feed her. She ate five times a day, and Erk decided that one of her meals would be apple sauce or mashed preserved fruit. She seemed to like it, she gave him lots of toothless smiles. He seemed very happy when he answered her. And Kris melted every time.

- Did you study childcare, Erk? Quenotte asked, half laughing.

- Didn't have time for it, we rushed to sign up as soon as we turned 18. No, I hung out at the maternity ward quite often, before leaving for the main island, because babies often need a little care, for colic, things like that. Their mothers too. And more than once I found myself with a baby to change, to wash...

Blood Lily Company - Afghanistan - Year 2Where stories live. Discover now