Chapter 4: Request from the Foreclosure Task Force

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"FUCK! WHERE THE FUCK AM I??" I shouts while walking around a dessert, which supposed to be Abydos District, I wonder how did it turn into this...

7 hours earlier

A normal day at Schale indeed, I get off my bed and start my new day. I went to the lobby and sat down at my desk to prepare doing work then Arona pop up from the chest.

"Good morning Sensei!" she greet me happily.

"Morning Arona" I replies, sipping my coffee "Can you give me some of today information please?"

"Of course Sensei!" She said "A lot of people are starting to talking about Schale, and more than that, we received mails from other students to ask for help"

"Is that so?" I sips my coffee 

"That is a great sign! Its mean we have a lot of works to do" she said happily.

"Wow... thats is a set back..." I said blankly.

"EH?!" Arona is shocked. 

"Anyway... what are the mails?" I ask.

"Oh! there is this one letter... I think you should take a look" Arona said, transfer the mail into my PC.

To the advisor of the Federal Investigation Club.

Hello. My name is Okusora Ayane, and I'm the student at Abydos High School.

 I'm writing this letter because I want to ask for your help.

Our academy is being harassed.

One of the local gangs has been tormenting us.

Its a long story, but we think... this gang is after the school building itself.

The students are trying their best to stop them.

Its only a matter of time before we run out of ammunitions and supplies though.

At this rate, the school will fall into their hand for sure.

That's why I'm writing to ask for your help.

Can you please help us... Sensei?

"Hmm, Abydos High School" Arona hums "Its used to be one of the largest and thriving district in Kivotos... but fell off due to the harsh climate change."

"Damn..." I said in a small voice.

"That district is so big that visitors would get lost in the middle of town!" She said... "Hehe... I think its just an urban legend, like... who even got lost in a modern civilization?" A lot Arona, a lot "Anyway... I can't stand it when some low-life gang bullying an academy, this is serious... I wonder what brought this on..."

After a few second of thinking, I finally speak "I will go to Abydos"

"EH? You want to head there right away???" Arona ask in confusion and worried.

"Yes... yes I am" I replied.

Arona then have a proud, smug smile on her lips "Then go Sensei!" She said happily...

So I then pack my suitcase, filled the whole thing with every type of ammunitions and supplies I have. I put on my vest (I usually wears office worker outfit without my vest), clip my helm onto the suitcase... and the ready to set off to Abydos, this will be quic-

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