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'October 5th, 2024
I'm so fucking tired
I'm sick of this
Every day feels the exact same
Jake and I moved a bit ago
So things have been so much harder for me
The move really threw me off
I miss my old room
But im glad that I can start over
I really need thi'

I throw my pencil.
Journaling isn't helping like my therapist said it would.
I've been writing everyday for the past 3 months and I feel the same.

What's the fucking point.

I genuinely just want to give up.

Im doing everything I can to be good enough for myself and others but I'm just failing.

Knock knock knock

"Johnnie?" Jake says from the other side of the door.

I close my journal and walk to the door opening it being met with a sleepy looking Jake holding a to-go box.

"It's Two in the morning, why are you up? " I ask confused. Usually I'm the one that stays up late, Jakes usually dunked out by 11pm

"I 'UberEats'ed you some Wing Stop, cause I wanted some and I didn't wanna leave you out" He says handing it to me.

Well shit.

I haven't eaten in a bit now that I think about it, and if I have eaten I made myself throw up cause it hurt my stomach like crazy.

"Oh, thanks" I say taking the box

"What are you doing anyway?" Jake says looking over at my desk.

He took notice of the broken pencil, and the crumbled up paper wads on my desk.
The only light from my room coming from a dim lamp placed on the corner of my desk.

"Uh, song writing, that's all" I say thinking of the first lie that comes to mind.

"I could help if you want" He says walking past me to my desk grabbing the note book.

Ah fuck, I set the Box down on the desk trying to hurry.

"Uhhhh haha uhmm no it's okay don't worry" I say trying to grab the note book back.

His grip is unreasonably strong for no reason.

"Ooooo~ are you writing about your crushhhhh~~~" Jake teases.

"No, just give it dude" I say trying to take it back.

"Okay fine fine, I'm just teasing you, Johnnie" He says handing it back and ruffling my hair.

"I'll leave you alone, if you need anything let me know okay?" He states getting ready to walk out.

"O-okay. sleep soon yeah?" I say to him.

"Same for you, Goodnight Johnnie" He says walking out and closing the door.

I sigh in relief.

I set my notebook down and then open the wing stop box.

It's my favorite order.

I take a few bites from a wing.

My stomach feels like it's tossing.

I feel full already.

I close the box and head to the bathroom.

Middle school me would be disappointed that this is still going on.

I get on my knees in front of the toilet, sitting, and then shoving my fingers in my mouth.

Vomiting out the few bites I had taken.

This is disappointing.

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧Jakes Pov୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

I've been trying to feed Johnnie for the past Three days without him taking a notice.

He's vomiting.

I got his favorite order and everything.

I feel so bad.

I've never personally struggled with an Eating Disorder, but God I could only imagine how Johnnie feels.

He doesn't know I know about it.

I'm worried of losing him.

It might get to the point where I have to confront him.

But I know he doesn't like confrontation.

I need to do what's right.

And that Notebook he's always writing in every day.

I wanna know what it says.


I hear the shower turn on.

Maybe this is my chance to look.

Just a peak at it.

639 Words

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

This book is gonna be so sad


◖Tears◗ Jake Webber X Johnnie GuilbertWhere stories live. Discover now