Chapter 5

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Albus lay in his bed, reading or rereading his first edition of The Tales of Beedle the Bard. He smiled at the little drawings his mother used to do in the corners of the ones she read to him. And the little notes she wrote about what Albus said the first time she read the story. Then he found the Tale of the Three Brothers. The story he has read over and over again. The one he used to beg his father to read to him after his long shifts at work.

Gellerts favourite

Albus wrote at the top. He was going to take Gellert all over the town, and through the heath to the pretty little greenery with a pond and large oak tree, he had found when he was twelve.

Albus popped the book away, took off his glasses and blew out the candle, then snuggled into his bed pulling his covers up to his shoulders and gave his stuffed dog a kiss goodnight. Then he dozed off into Dreamland.

He woke before the sun, as usual. Decided to check if Ariana was awake, as she usually only tended to get about an hour of sleep per night.

After slipping his slippers on his feet(which were of course covered with socks, Albus does not let his feet get air), he was ready. Quietly walking down the stairs from the attic room he had, to the second floor, he checked Ariana's room, and as usual it was empty.

He sighed quietly in annoyance hearing the kid Aberforth was keeping from the rain make sound in Aberforths room. "Shuh up Betsy" Aberforth grumbled before probably going back to sleep.

Quietly he walked down the stairs, avoiding all the parts of the stairs that creaked, not to wake Aberforth again.

"Ari?" Albus whispered. His sister looked up at him smiling playing with the flower crown Gellert had made her the day before. "Good morning bubba, you're up earlier than usual" Ariana said getting up. "Would you like something to drink dear?" Albus asked brushing off the remark his sister had made. Though it was true, he fell asleep so quickly but he awoke earlier than usual and his thoughts were only of the blonde he met yesterday. He had no idea why he was thinking of Gellert this way. They had only met briefly in the past, not counting the Triwizard tournament.

"He was nice" Ariana said sitting on the sofa. Albus sighed, "You didn't answer my question Ari". Ariana looked at him with innocent eyes. "I think you two would be a nice mummy and daddy together" Ariana said patting the sofa next to her. Albus understood what she was talking about and sat next to her. She cuddled up into his arms as soon as he got comfortable.

"Don't let Bubby bully you into being the same as him Bubba, I'm sure he didn't mean what he said about you and Elphias" Ariana said playing with the sleeves of Albus' shirt. Albus smiled and played with his sisters hair. "Me and Elphias weren't like mummy's and daddy's with each other Ari, we did dirty things with each other and Aberforth didn't like it" Albus explained.

"What dirty things?". Albus tensed realising he would have to explain. "We used to do naughty things, like uhm, upset our teachers" Albus lied. "And kiss" a grumpy voice came from the staircase. Aberforth stood holding his goat kid in his arms as it munched on his pajama top. "I'm taking this fucker outside then going back to bed, it's stopped raining" The grumpy boy grumbled walking to the back door.

Ariana looked up at Albus with a smile. "I don't care if you two did kissing and other stuff that people who are courting do, even if Elphias is a boy bubba" Ariana said gently cupping her older brother's cheek. "Unfortunately Ari, I think you're the only one in this world" Albus said tiredly.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Who could that be at this time?" Albus wondered. "I'll get it!" Ariana jumped at the opportunity. She rushed to the door and opened it. "Hello welcome to the Dumbledore house, how may we be of service" she chirped.

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