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Currently, Deandre was in his room. Reading a historian book. Flipping through the pages, as he groans and throws the book. Showing a pile of books.

Deandre[frustrated]: I don't get it! I searched for hours! And nothing has showed up about powers and how I got them!

The boy plants his face to the desk as he sighs. It's been a whole month since Deandre has been sent to hell. And he has found nothing about how to get home. Nor how he got these powers.

Deandre was loosing hope....maybe he was destined to be stuck here forever.

Deandre: what....am I?....please....ill take any help....

Deandre says. As suddenly, the door bursts open. Revealing alastor and sir pentious egg boiz.

Deandre: holy shit! [slips off chair]

Alastor: ah, Deandre my boy! How are you doing this fine morning?

Deandre: could be...better. How's your day going Mr alastor?

Alastor: as well as it can be. Though I do have a request.

Deandre: a request? 

Alastor: yes! Nothing hard, just need a companion to accompany me in a little outing I have today.

Deandre: uhhh, thanks alastor. But...I'm kinda busy...[picks up some books]

Alastor: hmm..I can see that, hitting the old books as kids your generation says it.

Deandre: yeah....totally. Look, I'm just trying to find out how I got these powers....

Alastor turns his head and his grin grows.

Alastor: is that so?

Deandre: if I learn how to use these, maybe I can go home. Hopefully...

Alastormaybe I can help with that....

Deandre: hm?


Deandre and alastor were walking down the streets of hell. All while the egg boiz follow:

Frank: oh boy! What's the plan boss?

Egg boi #1: I like your suit!

Egg boi #2: what are the antlers for?

Egg boi #3: can I touch your staff thing???

Deandre: wow....they are annoying...

Alastor: I agree...quite the bother.

Deandre: so, you know someone who knew someone who has the same powers as me? And they can teach me???

Alastor: ah yes, rumors has it she knew someone like you. And here's the cherry on the top, he apparently has the same last name as you...

Hells very own human (Hazbin hotel x oc)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat