Chapter 1: The Amulet

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It's Kasadyaan Festival, and everything buzzed with excitement, colorful lights dancing around stalls filled with laughter and folk music. Masked dancers and people in costumes danced around the festival grounds. Alon, a regular teenager, wandered through the festivities, trying to enjoy the lively atmosphere.

Near the edge of the celebration, he noticed an old man sitting at a booth with peculiar things on display. Something about the booth pulled Alon closer, like a hidden force tugging at him.

"Psst, ikaw!" the old man shouted.

"Want to try your luck and win something special?" the old man added.

Intrigued, Alon approached the old man.

"Unsa diay ning dula-a, lo?" Alon asked curiously.

"Ay kani, simpol ra ni dong. Gitawag ni siya ug Roleta ng Kapalaran". The old man answered.

The rules are simple: pick a color and number, and if the ball lands where you chose, you win.

"What's the prize if I win?" Alon asked, smirking. He's pretty good at these kinds of games. His eyes gazed at the prizes lined up, there were a lot - bobot, pellet guns, takyans, and other Filipino snacks and toys. On the other side, something more musty and ancient was displayed - a compass, pendant, and many other things Alon can't identify.

"Maximum of 5 tries, if you could guess where the ball lands in all 5 tries, you'll win something extraordinary. If your correct guesses are below 5, you'll win the prize of your choice" the old man replied, pointing to the candies and toys lined up at the side.

Alon, feeling a bit lucky, went on with the game. But what happened next was beyond ordinary luck.

"Hah! I guessed it right old man!" Alon excitedly declared, pointing at the ball that landed on the green-colored number 7.
"Well done!" the old man proudly exclaimed.

"4 more guesses and you'll win the grand award!" the old man added, chuckling.

"Boom! Kuha napod! (I got it right again!), Alon blurted out. "Wala pod siguroy chamba na ikaduha mahitabo lo sa?" Alon joked.

"Haha do it for a third time, and I'll start to doubt you". The old man asserted.

Mysteriously, Alon seemed to know exactly where the ball would land. The old man watched Alon celebrate a fifth time when he successfully had his fifth guess correctly. It was as if Alon had a secret connection to the Alliance, a hidden faction blessed with the powers of the diwatas. Unaware of his ability, Alon thought it was all just a lucky coincidence.

The old man running the booth, however, knew that this was beyond the ordinary. Alon's choices weren't luck, they were precise. The amulet he kept, a relic tied to the powers of the Alliance, began to glow faintly, responding to the hidden powers within Alon.

"Haha! Luck's on your side, kiddo!" the old man said, as he handed Alon his prize - the amulet. "This amulet is a piece of history, and now it's yours" he added.

The amulet, a mix of weird patterns and symbols, felt warm in Alon's hands.

The old man, still grinning, gave him a little advice. "... wear it with respect, my boy. It has its own story, and it'll share it with you when the time's right.."

Alon, a bit confused, asked what the old man meant

"What? Unsa diay, lo?" Alon asked. "What story? What's so special about this thing"

Still grinning, and looking a bit hopeful, the old man replied "Your life is a special journey kid. Let the amulet be your guide. It's got secrets, and it'll show its magic to you when you most need it".

With those words, the old man's eyes twinkled like he knew something Alon didn't. Alon, feeling curious, put on the amulet.

As the amulet touched his skin, Alon sensed something... different. Not known to him, hidden watchers from the Alliance, saw him as someone who has the potential to unlock the even greater power of their faction.

Moving on...

The festival continued. As he rejoined the fun, the night felt a bit more magical. The amulet marked Alon's first step into an extraordinary world.

In the corner of Alon's field of view, at the top of a lamp post, he saw a black raven gazing right at him. 

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