Chapter 3: The Lumina

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"Dapa! (Get down!)" Volt commands the team as Lucian casts dark magic toward the Alliance. The party manages to evade the attack, but Nocturne launches an aerial assault on the team. The Alliance had no time to defend against it. As the group braced themselves, Zephyr stepped in just in time, creating a wind wall that backfired Nocturne's attack.

"Zephyr, Isabella, Kamoy bahala anang abata na! (you guys handle Nocturne!)! Mary, diri ka nako! We'll handle Lucian! Humanon nato ni diri! (let's end things here!)",Volt shouted to the team.


Volt's bedroom door swung wide open -the arrival of Isabella and Alon interrupted his thoughts. Isabella takes charge, introducing Alon to Volt.

"Volt, meet Alon," Isabella declares, her tone firm yet welcoming.

Volt's gaze shifts from Isabella to Alon, assessing the newcomer. "Nice to meet you, bai," he responds with a nod.

Intrigued by Alon's presence, "What brings him here?" he asks, his eyes narrowing slightly as he awaits Isabella's response.

"The Lumina is with him," she reveals.

Alon looks confused at the mention of the Lumina. "The Lumina? Is that what they call the amulet?", Alon echoed to himself.

Volt is having a hard time processing the revelation. "The Lumina? With him?" He doesn't look like the type of guy to wield it.

"Yeah, I get that a lot" Alon quickly added.

Without warning, Volt unleashes a surge of lightning towards Alon from his fingertips. Alon's powers kicked in, dodging the strike. The lightning finds its mark in the TV positioned behind him, sending sparks flying all over the place.

"Not bad," Volt remarks, his voice sounding relieved. "He does have Alliance blood alright. He might be a Bulwark".

Alon's voice trembled as he faced Isabella and Volt, his mind filled with questions. "Can you guys please tell me what's going on? What's Lumina? Alliance? You guys are making me insane!" he asked, his voice almost sounding like a shriek.

Isabella exchanged a glance with Volt before turning back to Alon. "The Lumina," she began. Stories tell that the Lumina could have been crafted by people with knowledge of arcane arts and mysticism in the past. Legends say that the Lumina was a tool intended to attract the charm and powers of the Diwatas to its wielder. It is even said that Lapu-Lapu once wielded the Lumina.

"Lapu-Lapu.. Our Lapu-Lapu?" Alon at this point is even more confused.
"Yes, our Lapu-Lapu, it is said that the Lumina aided our victory in the Battle of Mactan". Isabella answered.

Alon is just staring blankly at Isabella. Volt chuckled in the distance.

"Over time, it passed through generations until it fell into the hands of demented shamans", Isabella continued. According to stories, these shamans, now known as the Syndicate, manipulated the Lumina to pursue their wicked goals, which attracted the Aswangs. Rumor even has it that the Syndicates orchestrated catastrophes in the country.. earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions..the Alliance from back then tried to stop these attacks, but the syndicates are just as strong as we are.

Since then, the Lumina's possession has bounced between the Alliance and the Syndicate over time.

Alon's eyes widened in disbelief. "And the Alliance... I assume.. are.."
"Us", Isabella quickly interrupted.

Alon shook his head, trying to ignore all the nonsense that he was listening to.
But why me? If all of these are real, why me?

We're just as confused as you, neither side has had the Lumina in a long time.

Volt stepped forward. "We'll find out about that," he said. "The Lumina, where did you get it?" he inquired.

Alon hesitated for a moment. "I won it at a festival," he explained. "It was given to me by an old man..."

"We need to see this old man," Isabella declared.


"The bastard flung a toilet at my face" Kael retorted as he bandaged his nose.
"And he wasn't alone"

"Volt?" Nocturne asked.

"No, the woman was with him," Kael replied.

"Isabella," Nocturne murmured to himself, grinning.

"It's impossible to get the amulet now. Lucian's defeated, and the boy is under the protection of the Alliance by now"

"'You underestimate us too much, Kael," Nocturne remarked.
"We strike again."

In the darkness, three Berbalangs emerged. The creatures snarled, saliva dripping from their maws. As the creatures drew near, threads of Zephyr's clothing stuck on the creatures' jagged teeth became visible.

Alon and the Alliance: The Syndicate Must FallWhere stories live. Discover now