Chapter 2: The Syndicate Makes Its Move

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The sun rose lazily over the city the next day. His mind is still reeling from the events of the previous night at the Kasadyaan Festival.

Alon glazed at his table clock, it was 6:33 in the morning. The mysterious amulet sitting peacefully beside it.

"Well... I better get up," he murmured to himself, his voice a low whisper in the stillness of the morning. "I heard there are new collections in the art gallery today."

As he was ready to leave, he took one last glance at the amulet. And he swore he saw it glow in a yellow hue before returning to its normal state.

"Strange.." Alon murmured to himself.

I should be going.


The familiar scent of oil paints and aged wood in the gallery greeted Alon like an old friend. His gaze was drawn to a series of paintings by Fernando Amorsolo.

Alon loves to paint, though painting does not seem to love him that much. As a kid, he used to draw characters from the video game Battle Realms. His favorite piece yet - is his sketch of Kenji slaying Zymeth.

His eyes wandered from painting to painting, from Leyendo el periódico to Antipolo. As Alon admired the paintings by Amorsolo, a voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

"So, you're a fan of historical paintings huh"

Startled, Alon turned to his side, his gaze meeting the unexpected presence of a beautiful young woman. She wore a black tank top under a stylish blazer. Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun, strands escaping to frame her face in soft waves. And her skin was of rosy complexion.

"Do I know you?" Alon asked, his confusion evident.

"You're about to," the woman replied with a smile. "So, you're a fan of historical paintings?"

Alon nodded. The young woman motioned Alon to continue speaking.

As Alon was going on a tangent, the young woman shifted her gaze to a nearby series of artwork and paper monuments of Philippine mythical creatures.

"Oh, that's really interesting," the young woman remarked, gesturing towards the display and cutting Alon off his tracks. "You look like someone who's more interested in those types of art."

Alon chuckled. "Yeah, well, that's not really my type. But I get that a lot."

The young woman smiled warmly. "Well, to each their own, right? But there's something truly captivating about the stories behind these mythical creatures, it's like they have hidden powers. Don't you think?"

Alon nodded in agreement, starting to settle a little bit over the young woman's presence. He found himself enjoying their conversation, eager to learn more about the world of mythical creatures as well as this young girl.

"So uhm, may I know your name?" Alon asked.

Before she could answer, the young woman noticed a shadowy figure in the distance in the corner of her eye. The man looks like its stalking someone. As the young woman's gaze flickered briefly to the shadowy figure, her instincts went on high alert.

"Those black patterns below his face.. a soldier.. from the syndicate..", she whispered to herself.

Gathering her composure, the young woman turned back to Alon with a warm smile, her mind racing as she formulated a plan to hide Alon from the mysterious man.

Alon and the Alliance: The Syndicate Must FallOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora