Chapter 15

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Can anyoneeeee please confirm that there are not two Chapter 12s posted. Thank youuuuuuu

You'll see when to use the song


1 week later

The Hazbin Hotel has never been more chaotic. In a good way this time. One week ago, Sir Pentious came to the hotel, claiming he wanted to learn to be better. That same night, it was discovered he was actually a spy for the V's. While most occupants wanted to kill the serpent, Charlie gave him a second chance. Now, she has decided to throw a one week redemption party for him. It's been nice having another resident. Especially one you've had a past with and could easily converse with. Alastor also managed to somewhat forgive Pentious.
Now, at the party, everyone was busy putting up decorations and setting up activities. By everyone, it was just Charlie and Vaggie helped by Razzle and Dazzle.
You walked into the hotel lobby and saw Charlie nailing a poster above one of the entrances. She seemed very excited. She and her girlfriend went back and for about the new resident. Vaggie says that he can't be trusted while Charlie tries to defend them. They get inturupted by Sir Pentious wheeling over a large gun.
"Hi Penni," you greet him.
"Well, hello there, Ms. Candy Lady." He greeted back.
"What do you think you're doing with that?" You ask, crossing your arms.
"Another question. What is that?" Vaggie demands.
"This," Sir Pentious motions to the gun, "is the Skin Flayer 11000! Im really looking forward to shooting at the other residents."
"Nope," Vaggie begins to push the large gun out of his reach. You help by snapping your fingers, and the machine is now somewhere else. No one knows where all the teleported crap goes.
Pentious lets out a small whine.
"Penni, you can't shoot the residents."
"But everyone here is too nice. It must be a lie! I can sense they are planning to kill me, but when?" He asks.
"No one here is trying to kill you, not even me. We may want to, but we won't." You say assuringly.
"Because as much as this redemption plot may look like crap, I gave my word to help this establishment and those accompanied with you. That now includes you, Penni." You look staright into his eyes. They look a bit teary. "We're no longer enemies. We're friends." You hold out your hand, offering a shake. Sir Pentious looks at your hand then back into your eyes before smiling and giving a hardy shake.
"Thank you,... Y/N." A tear rolls down his cheek, causing him to quickly wipe it away. You chuckle at him and walk with him. Vaggie, stops you both.
"Pentious, now that 6 staying here, we need to lay ground rules. 1: No more of those weapons." She points to where the giant gun once stood.
Pentious hums in agreement.
"2: No more plotting against the other guests, and 3: you need to get rid of these things." This time, she points to the egg bois. Both you and Pentious pout. Out of everything in hell, you believed that the eggs were the cutest things.
"Vaggie, I really don't believe we need to go that far. As long as Penni doesn't instruct them to do his evil bidding, then they really are no harm." You try to reason, but Vaggie holds her foot down.
"They're still considered weapons. He wants to be redeemed, right?"
Pentious sighs, "Yesss."
"Then no more eggs." Vaggie walks out of the lobby and goes to Alastors' room. You look back at Pentious, who's hugging his eggs.
"It will be ok, Penni." You place a hand on his shoulder.
"Yes. Yes, of course it will. Well, run along, little eggsss. I can't keep you anymore!" Sir Pentious dramatically falls into your arms with an arm covering his face.
"Ok, boss!" The eggs reply and quickly run to catch up with Vaggie, making Sir Pentious cry even harder. Charlie tried comforting him as well. It got very awkward.
Soon, Alastor comes out and into the lobby with the egg bois close behind him.
"Ahh, so Vaggie nominated you for trash duty?" You teased at him. Alastors smile grew a bit bugger when he saw you.
"Indeed. I agreed to bid them farewell while on my outing today." He stood in front of you. You were now sitting at the bar, Angle and Husk were there but drinking and not paying attention, and Pentious was curled in a ball on the couch.
"Where are you heading off to?" You asked.
His head cocked a bit. "Surely you know about the meeting for Overlords?"
"Ohhhh yeah, I dont go to those. They've always been so boring and dull." You recount the numerous times you went to Carmilla Carmines office. Almost every overlord in Hell would go. You, the V's, and Alastor being an expection.
"Well, you'll never know what you miss out on, my dear! Would you care to join me? It might be more entertaining with you there." Alastor stepped a bit closer and bent down to your level. Your face began to get hot.
"S-sure, Al. Why not? Have nothing better to do, I guess."
Alastor sprung up, "Wonderful! Now, let's make haste! Wouldn't want to be late." He extends his arm and out entwine yours. He began escorting you out of the hotel, leading the eggs. Something felt weird, though. Weird want the word for it. It felt comfortable and familiar.
"Tell me, are you sure we didn't know each other before Hell? You said you remember everything from your past life."
Alastor remained silent as you continued to walk deeper into the city. His smile was more forced than usual. You had enough of his silent treatment.
"Alas-" You were quickly cut off by the manifestation of another demon.
"Hark, Alastor and m'lady. How fare thee this day?" Zestial. Hells oldest overlord. He was tall, much taller than Alastor. His long black coat trailed behind him on the ground. His narrow, lime green eyes not leaving you amd Alastor.
"Ah, Zestial, old friend," Alastor greets him and lets go of your arm to lean on his staff. You hear the egg bois begin to talk and quickly tell them to be silent. You know of their tendencies to blabber on. Other normal demons in the area begin yelling and fleeing at the sight of you three overlords.
"Good day, Zestial. Lovely weather we are having." You look towards the sky then back at Alastor.
"Agreed. Looks like we might have some acid rain this afternoon." Alastor pitches in.
Zestial chuckles, "If our luck doth hold. I do revel in the screams. How art thou? One has never seen thou beside."
(I absolutely love how he talks :b)
"Alastor got me to agree to go to the meeting. I assume you are on your way as well?"
"Correct. Come."
Zestial begins walking, and you and Alastor follow.
Zestial makes conversation, mostly about how Alastor has disappeared and trying to get an answer as for why. Alastor dodges them but asks for details on the so-called "cospiracies" about his departure.
Zestial lets out a low chuckle, "And you, My Lady. Your reign is as terrifying as the day whence you came."
You smile kindly at him, "Thank you, Zestial."
The rest of the walk is filled with sinister silence between you three. Soon, you arrive at the building and step into an elevator heading for the top floor. Alastor instructs the little egg bois to stay on guard and off you went. You noticed one of the eggs didn't get off in time, and he came up to the top floor with you.
You nudged Alastor, and when you got his attention, you pointed to the egg. All he did was roll his eyes and continue walking. You tried to descreatly hide the egg behind a plant in the corner.
"Stay," you tell him.
"Yes, ma'am!" He yells.
You put a finger over your mouth and signal him to be quiet before leaving.
Inside the meeting room was a long table, seats filled with only the most powerful overlords. Alastor sat next to Rosie, a tall, slim, black-eyed cannibal overlord. You've gotten to know her a bit from your visits into Cannibal Town. A place where almost all cannibals of hell reside. They have the best restaurants!
You walked over to the empty chair on his other side. Before you were able to pull it out for yourself, Alastors shadow did it and motioned for you to take a seat. Once everyone was seated, you heard a metalic clicking on the floor.
"Welcome Hell's sovereign overlords. I have invited you all here today because you represent the controlling powers of this city," Carmilla states. Her long white hair is tied up to look like horns. Her ballet shoes are sharp and deadly. She has always been the most respected overlord because of her business in weapons dealing.
"Together, you all own millions of souls. Souls at risk from the new extermination schedule. We need to discuss what can be done to minimize the impact on our interest." She slams her fist against the table. Her eyes scan the room until the fall on you.
"Y/N?" The rest of the overlords look at you.
"Helloooo," you sing, "I thought it'd be a good idea to come to this meeting. You know, with the extermination and all."
"Hm. And Alastor? You're back as well?"
Alastor perks up a little, "Yes, I know I've been absent for some time. Im sure you've all been wondering." He smile grows bigger. Carmilla shrugs, "Not really, but welcome back."
You can feel the annoyance radiating off Alastor. And hear it.
Carmilla officially begins the meeting with a status report. 16% of Hells population was gone. More were bound to be killed. For overlords, the more souls you lose control over, the less power you have. If any of the ones you've acquired get killed, it could ruin you. As Carmilla is speaking, the door to the meeting room bursts open. Velvette, on her phone, is talking to Vox. She hangs up and flops into a chair at the end of the table closest to you.
"Nice of you to be joining us, Velvette. Will you.." Carmilla pauses with a look of disgust, ".. colleagues be joining?"
"No, they have better shit to do than to listen to an old windbag who think shes tough shit." Velvette says and looks over to you. "Bloody hell! Y/N! I haven't seen you in ages. Vox says hi.~"
You glare at her before taking in deep breath and turning your attention back to Carmilla.
"Right.. as I was saying, the extermination.. yes, Velvette?"
Velvette was waving her hand in the air like a school girl eager to answer a question. "On the subject of discussion.." she throws the head of an angel on the table. All eyes widen at the sight.
"Oh, tasty~" Alastor says.
You lean over to him, "You think I can swipe this and bring it back to the hotel?"
"Darling, if you don't, I will."
Carmilla begins to question Velvette, "Where did you get this?"
She begins explaining that she found it during the extermination and preaches the idea of killing the angels when they come back. Until now, the idea of killing an angel was a death sentence. No one has done it before.
Zestial breaks into the conversation, "If it be true thee and thy colleagues desire to war, with such meager proof, thou art more foolish than I be thought."
"Meager proof?" Velvette points to the head, "I think its pretty fucking definitive. You going blind, old man?"
"We know not of how this perished. Mayhaps t'was not by a demons hand at all. If we rush to war without knowing, mightn't they purge all of Hell for daring an uprising?"
"It could happen," hear hear Alastor say. Other overlords begin disputing.
You stand up and begin to speak, "Why would the exterminators kill one of their own?"
"It could have been a fallen angel." Carmilla rebutes.
"So now they decide to kill fallen angels? If they did that in the beginning, theres a good chance none of us would be where we are today."
"Yes!" Velvette yells. "Someone here gets it!"
"I'm not agreeing to war, Velvette. Whoever did this could kill us all. The chances of the citizens of hell raising against the angels are small. They're scared and mostly untrained. War could end in more harm."
"Oh, I get it. So you old shits are too pussy to fight, so theres no point right?" Velvette turns back to Carmilla and Zestial. Zestial glares at the young overlord, getting a reaction from her. "Whats the matter, Fossil? Too cenike to make a power grab?


(Song that I have no time, patience, or energy to write out. I'll have a video linked on top)


".. well, that was a productive meeting!" Alastor says.

Velvette begins to storm out of the meeting room, yelling profanities and making rude gestures. Everyone else begins to leave, and you do infact swipe the head off the table to bring home.


Im fucking tired


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