Project Idea (Edited 2/29/24)

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Judith returned back to the computer club the next day during the lunch period. She had stopped going to the cafeteria and decided to eat in the club room from now on. Her three girl friends had told her they will come to the club another time.

As usual, she brought spaghetti carbonara, which made Zayden raise a brow when he saw her come through the door with it and comment.

"Is that really all you are going to eat for lunch?" He asked.

Judith paused her steps and hugged her tub of pasta closer to her chest.

Defensively, she said, "Yeah, what about it?"

"Well I'm just saying. It seems that you are only eating carbs. I don't want to sound judgemental, but you should've gotten a salad too or something."

Now Judith feels embarassed. "It's not your business what I eat but....yeah, you're right." She admitted.

Strange. Never would she thought the 5th male lead would pay attention to her eating habits.

This time, the guys are not playing one of their video games. Instead, they are sitting by the long rectangular table with the 10 computers. They also have wrapped or boxed foods scattered on the table. Judith sat down next to Charles, which made him felt the urge to hyperventilate.

The five are sitting next to each other, with the seating arrangement from left to right: Judith, Charles, Xander, Liam, and Zayden.

Right now, the guys are discussing about their upcoming project.

"So I'm just saying, let's try to create a PC game for our next project!" Suggested Xander. He kept clicking on the screen with his mouse, playing around with a game engine software.

"No, how about we make a new website that is similar to...what do people call it again? Social networking, right? Like Urspace and Biobook!" Said Liam. His screen is split into two tabs showing those websites.

Hearing the terms 'social networking' caught Judith's attention.

"That sounds unoriginal Liam. Do you want our site to be called a copycat?" Zayden counters. The computer showed that he is working on a research paper for his advanced chemistry class.

"Dude, just go for the PC game idea! I really want to try to make an indie game, maybe something like Empires or Wasteland." Xander urges desperately.

"What about you Charles, and also Judith? What do you both suggest?" Liam inquires to them, turning his head their way.

Charles just shrug. "I don't know Liam. I am fine with whatever you guys decide."

Liam frowns. "Well okay. How about you Judith? Any suggestions?"

Judith bit her lip as she thinks. Should she tell them about her grand idea?

Should she include these guys in helping her create a groundbreaking video-sharing website similar to YouTube from her previous life?

"Judith?" Liam called in a concerned tone, snapping her from her thoughts.

The other three guys looks at her too. Xander and Charles also in concern, while Zayden has a frown on his face.

"If you don't have any ideas, it's fine." Liam start to turn himself away.

"Wait Liam! I do actually have an idea!" Judith called to grab his attention back.

Liam snapped his head back in surprise. "Oh you do? Let us all hear it then."

"I think we should create a video sharing website!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"There are already video sharing websites in existence." Zayden deadpanned.

"I know that Zayden! But my idea will be way different from those websites! Just please let me explain!" Judith tries to sound persuasive.

Zayden and the other guys exchange glances.

"Okay, explain then." He allowed.

"Okay thank you." Judith took a breath than began her explanation.

"You know how the videos in the video sharing platforms the world has is only seconds to a few minutes in length, and that the quality tends to be a bit blurry?"

Liam interrupted her. "What do you mean blurry? I think as long as we can see something, the quality of the videos are just fine."

Oh. I guess whatever this era this world is in, no one have ever seen high definition videos yet, Judith thought.

This world's era is definitely similar to the early 2000s of Earth.

"Well, it is blurry to me Liam. Part of my idea is to raise the bar of video quality higher." She replies to him.

"Is that even possible?" Xander inquires.

"I believe so. I think whatever you can set your mind to, anything is possible." Judith responded, then resumes her explanation.

"So what I suggest is to create a video platform that can produce longer videos with better quality. It will be more widespread and user-friendly than the ones already existed. The website will be simple and easy to use, that way it can quickly increase in popularity. It will have seamless sharing capabilities that will allow users to easily upload, share, and embed the videos. Users can customize the videos and choose the privacy settings between public or private. Also, the platform can provide tools for sharing videos on other social media sites like Urspace or Biobook, and create playlists for organizing content. I can add more to my idea, but it will take too long to explain it all." Judith finished.

"Wow...your idea sounds amazing Judith..." Charles said, looking at Judith in awe.

"Hmm...that actually sounds like a good idea for our next project." Liam remarked, his eyes gleaming. "It actually sounds like it has the potential to be something revolutionary. I'm surprised you came up with this idea yourself Judith."

Um...about that, it's not my original idea, Judith didn't say.

I'm sorry Jawed Karim, Chad Hurly, and Steve Chen...

"Who knew that you are a genius Judith!" Xander complimented her.

You are wrong about that Xander.

Zayden have a thoughtful expression.

"Not bad." Was all he said after blinking a few times.

You're not very talkative are you 5th male lead?

Judith scratched her neck in nervousness. "So you guys like my idea?" She asked.

"Well I like it, but I think we need more time to think it over. How about we give a final answer in a couple of days." Said Liam.

Judith nodded. "Sure, that is fine. You guys take your time." Internally, she hoped they had already agreed.

"Do you have a name in mind for the website?" Asked Liam.

"Yes I do. I want to call it Metube."

"Why did you want to name it that way?" Liam continues to inquire curiously. The others paid rapt attention to their conversation.

"Well, the 'Me' part will refer to the individual users of the site, and 'Tube' is a slang word for television. So I thought it would be a fitting name." She answered.

Liam nodded in agreement. "Yes, that does sound fitting."

Xander and Charles voiced their agreement too, while Zayden just nodded.

"Okay, we can talk more of this another time. Let's finish our food before we forget." Liam reminded the group.

So the conversation about their next project is over for now. The group spend the rest of the period enjoying their lunch, talking about random things, and surfing the internet.

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