Splitting Up

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Judith slid on the seat next to the expressionless male with a look of discomfort.

If Zayden noticed her reaction, he doesn't seem to care. He just sat unperturbed, staring straight ahead.

As the safety restraints clicked into place and the roller coaster lurched forward. The ride began its ascent, climbing higher and higher until they reached the top, offering a breathtaking view of the entire amusement park.

Judith stole a glance at Zayden, noticing his stoic expression unchanged. Determined to break through his indifference, she mustered up the courage to speak to him again.

"So, Zayden," she began tentatively, "I know you like computers and video games. Do you have any other hobbies or interests?"

Zayden finally turned his head to look at her, his expression softening ever so slightly. "Maybe," he replied.

Undeterred, Judith pressed on, determined to get him to be more open with her. "Well, what is it? Come on, tell me!" She persisted encouragingly, hoping to elicit a more engaging response from him.

Zayden hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "I... like photography," he admitted, his gaze returning to look ahead.

Judith's eyes widened in surprise, a glimmer of excitement sparking within her. "Really? That's amazing! What kind of pictures do you ta-!" Her speech was replaced by screams when the roller coaster started its descent.

Everyone on the ride screams their head off as the roller coaster performs many twists and turns.

Everyone but Zayden.

Somehow, he remained perfectly calm and composed throughout the exhilarating ride. He just bear through the ride with his signature blank expression.

As the rest of the group screamed and laughed with adrenaline-fueled excitement, one of the guys is not really having a good time.


"AAHHHH!!! AAHHHH!!! MAKE IT STOP!!! I AM GOING TO DIE!!!" Charles's panicked screams pierced through the cacophony of excitement, his voice filled with terror as the roller coaster careened through each twists and turns.

Jennifer, who sat next to him, glance over in concern upon witnessing his distress. She reached out a comforting hand, trying to offer reassurance amidst the chaos of the ride. "Hang in there, Charlie! We are halfway through the ride!" she shouted over the roar of the coaster.

"I THINK I AM GOING TO FAINT!!" The freckled face boy did just that.

He passed out like how Jhope from BTS did from that amusement park episode of Run BTS.

"CHARLIE!" Jennifer cried out in alarm.

"Um, is he going to be alright?!" Judith shouted through the racing wind. She sat directly behind Charles, so she witnessed Charles's reaction.

"He'll be fine," Zayden said unconcernedly, " he will wake up once the ride is over. This happens before."


Soon enough, the ride is over.

"Whoa! That was fun!" Liam exclaimed in exhilaration as the roller coaster came to a gradual stop.

The rest of the group echoed his sentiment, their faces flushed with excitement and adrenaline as they unfastened their safety restraints and stepped off the roller coaster platform. After everyone had gotten off, they walked away from the ride to an open area.

Judith couldn't help but feel a sense of relief, her heart still racing from the thrilling ride. She glanced back at Charles, who was now starting to regain consciousness, his eyes fluttering open as he slowly shook off the effects of passing out.

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