Card 3: Clash! Valvarad vs Dread

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As Kamen Rider Dread rushed into battle. A single punch was delivered towards Gotchard. The Wild form Gotchard was sent into a brick wall.

“Ouch!” She exclaimed.

Valvarad looked at Noa. “You finally arrived.”

Dread rolling his eyes. “You didn't give me a real choice.”

“Tell me what did you do with Tohru?” Valvarad rushed towards the Kamen Rider.

“I don't know who you are talking about.” Dread was rammed into a window. It shattered, leaving pieces in the charcoal colored suit.

Despite the impact and shattered glass around him, Kamen Rider Dread remained defiant. Valvarad's accusation about Tohru echoed in the midst of the battle.

"I don't know who you are talking about," Dread asserted as he struggled against Valvarad's assault.

Valvarad, undeterred, continued his relentless pursuit for answers. "You can't hide the truth forever," he declared, gearing up for another round of attacks, the intensity of the confrontation escalating in the school battleground. The mystery of Tohru's whereabouts loomed, adding a layer of tension to the clash between the two Riders.

Amber stood back up and she wasn't in her wild Form. She was in her regular Steamhopper form. Jace throws her two cards. “Use these!” Even though he didn't know why he trusts her, he does.

“Hawkstar and Saboneedle!” Amber Looked at the two Chemies.

“Gotcha and Go! NeedleHawk!”  The suit changed from a Steam train themed Grasshopper to a Cactus and Hawk themed Suit after the Gotchadriver announced the new form.

Noa struggling to stand. His vision was blurred a bit. “I'm not going to lose.” Noa slowly stood up, his knees shaking. “I have no idea what you think I did…but there is only one Tohru Kageura…and that’s me.” Noa said as he held his injured arm. He struggled to keep his composure.

“Why did you leave the Hundred?” Valvarad points his Sword towards Noa. “Why did you leave?”

Amber looked at Kamen Rider Dread and Kamen Warrior Valvarad. The tension between those two lingered for a bit. This revelation would change how they think of Noa.

Despite the tense standoff, Noa maintained his resolve. "I don't have answers for you," he responded, his voice tinged with both exhaustion and determination. Valvarad's sword remained pointed, the clash of emotions palpable.

Amber, watching the exchange, felt a shift in the air. The revelation that Noa was Tohru Kageura, coupled with the mystery of his departure from the Hundred, left everyone on edge. The unfolding drama held the potential to redefine their understanding of Kamen Rider Dread.

As the confrontation continued, the school grounds became a stage for conflicting emotions and unanswered questions. The outcome remained uncertain, and the revelation of Noa's identity had set in motion a series of events that would undoubtedly shape the path of both Kamen Rider Dread and those around him.

Jace looked at this moment for a bit. “Noa…”

Kamen Rider Gotchard tapped her driver and looked at Noa.

“NeedleHawk Fever!” Gotchard delivered her Rider Kick on Valvarad.

Dread turns his attention to Gotchard. He takes a Replica Chemy Card from his belt. “Drain!” The Driver announced his blaster forms.

“It's all coming back.” As Dread aimed his Bulletbang gun at them and  Dread didn't care about them. “The Boss… Valvarad and the rest.”

Amber looked in horror. “Why?” Her transformation was canceled as she lay on the ground hurt.

He fired the gun at Valvarad. “Get out of my sight.”


The Boss of the Hundred scrutinized his collection of Chemies, concern etched on his face. "So Tohru is still missing."

Takehur, standing before the boss, falsely reported, "I didn't find him yet. Dread isn't out of the running yet. They have a secondary Rider named Kamen Rider Gotchard. She might use The Power of the Chemies, but she's weak."

The boss, contemplating this information, narrowed his gaze. "Weak or not, we can't underestimate them. Continue the search for Tohru, and keep a close eye on this Kamen Rider Gotchard. We can't afford any surprises." The room filled with an air of tension as the boss weighed the potential threats posed by the missing Tohru and the emerging Kamen Rider Gotchard.

Then a man with a golden cube in his hands steps forward. “The Hundred I have heard about you from a Passing through Kamen Rider.” He had on a ring.

“What do we owe this visit from the Forbidden Alchemist, Greyon?” The Boss is sitting in his chair adjusting his position.

Greyon, his eyes gleaming, spoke, "I offer you a deal. I'll find Tohru for you, and in return, you hand over the Chemy Cards." The proposition lingered in the air, the potential collaboration between the Forbidden Alchemist and the Hundred introducing a formidable force.

As the Boss agreed to the deal, the Forbidden Alchemist, Greyon, with his black hair and piercing green eyes, wasted no time. "So the Chemies in return for you finding our comrade and you bring us the Legendriver," the Boss stated.

"Agreed," Greyon responded, pointing his cube at Takehur. "Now turn to gold."

Confusion and alarm filled the room as a Chemy flew into Takehur, mutating him into a Skateboard Malgam. Greyon, with a sinister grin, showcased his mastery over the forbidden power of Alchemy.

"Now, witness the true extent of my abilities," Greyon declared, demonstrating the formidable forces at his command. The room fell into a shocked hush, the consequences of the deal becoming increasingly apparent. 

The Boss, grappling with the shocking transformation of Takehur into a Skateboard Malgam, demanded an explanation from Greyon. "What did you do?" he questioned, a mix of concern and confusion in his eyes.

Greyon, maintaining his sinister grin, casually responded, "Simple. He became a Malgam. I can enhance a single Malgam by making it a Golden one." His cube remained pointed at the Skateboard Malgam. "Go make more people feel malice."

The room fell into an uneasy silence as the Boss contemplated the implications of Greyon's power. "How does malice enhance your creations?" he inquired, seeking understanding.

Greyon, evading a direct explanation, simply said, "It's the essence of my alchemical mastery. Some things are better left unexplained." The air in the room thickened with an unsettling mystery, leaving the Boss and those present to grapple with the enigmatic forces at play.

Collab Saga 1:Kamen Rider Dread Where stories live. Discover now