Card 5: The Plan

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As Kamen Riders: Zamozan and Zonjis searched for Tohru in the World of No Kamen Rider; they were accompanied by the Boss himself. “Boss you seriously didn't need to accompany us.” Zonjis said breaking the silence.

“Oh I want to see my employees in action for once.” The Boss looked at his searchers. “Now go find Tohru and we can bring this under our control.”

Valvarad looked at them and asks “Boss why are you so obsessed with Tohru, you never cared about him before.”

The Boss looked at Takehur. “He has shown improvement since our last invasion. He has the potential to be the Real Destroyer of Worlds.”

Greyon stood in front of the Hundred. “Golden hair and blue eyes with a tone of rings. Cero Yuki is the Boss of the Hundred.” He points the cube at the Boss.

“Well if I am, how about you get out of our way. I'm taking back my Powers and my conquest of the AR Worlds.” Cero Yuki reveals his true self.  He was on the Dreadriver. “Valvarad kill him.

Valvarad took out his sword. “Boss, are you sure you want to do this?”

“Anyone standing in the Way of the Hundred shall be killed or executed.” Cero smiling. “Actually let me try out my new powers.”

The belt doesn't activate. The Replica Steamliner looked sad. “Steamliner!” It cried.

Valvarad threw his blade down. “I can't.”

Noa woke up in his dorm. “Jace? Sera? And some girl I never met?” He was drowsy a bit.

“Noa, you Lost the Dreadriver and your Replica Chemy Cards.” Amber cutting to the chase.

“Plus Valvarad teamed up with the Forbidden Alchemist Greyon.” Sera looked at Noa. “Right now you're just a normal student here.”

“Then who will stop the Hundred?” Noa looked concerned.

“Kamen Rider Gotchard ,whoever is under he is under the mask.” Sera is trying to hide the fact that Amber is Kamen Rider Gotchard.

“Okay.” Noa lays back down. His head is aching. “Maybe I'll be better off not being a Rider. I don't deserve the power due to my past as Tohru.”

“What did you do as Tohru?” question Sera.

“I conquered worlds for the Hundred, destroying many families and lives. The Boss of the Hundred tasked me with retrieving the Legendriver and destroying it.” Noa sitting up. “If I failed that mission, I would lose my memories and myself.”

“Sounds like you need some help.” Jace looking at his roommate. “Now if I can get this Driver fixed and working maybe I can become a Rider to help Gotchard.” Jace showing a broken belt.

“That's… the Alchemistdriver. It's from the last AR World I conquered. The World of Kamen Rider Gotchard, I uhm… defeated the original Kamen Riders Gotchard and Majade.” Noa recognized the belt.

“Then the book Professor De-case has is your conquest of the World of Gotchard.” Sera was afraid of the Injured former member of the Hundred.

The room remained silent for a good while. “How about Noa joins the Alchemist Rider Club…”

“No.” Noa looked at them. “Even though I try to stand for Peace, I walk in War. There is no way in Cero Yuki’s name I will join your silly Club. You're out of your mind if you want me to be a part of your club.”

Jace looked at his ring. “Even though my cousins Mike and Diasuke fight with their inner demons, you need to stop worrying about what you did as Tohru, we know you as Noa Ihei, our Friend and a Kamen Rider.”

Sera takes out her flip phone and writes down something. “If you want to go out at some point, you can call me.”

The three members of the Alchemist Rider Club walk out of the room to let Noa/Tohru rest for now.

Sera takes out her phone once more. “Let's head back to the club and figure out how to get the Dreadriver. Amber, you are the only Rider we have right now. We need a plan.”

“What if we can get The Dreadriver back, we could attack the base of the Hundred and destroy the Aurora Curtain System they use.” Jace  thought.

“Gotchard Driver!” Amber taking out her belt.

Jace points his ring at a wall once more. “Please work.” He tried making a portal but nothing.

Then ripples appear on the wall, out steps a brunette hair colored male who looked about eighteen. “That's… Valvarad.” Sera noticed.

“I'm not here to harm you. I got kicked out of the Hundred.” Takehur looked at them. He was on their side.

As Takehur, the former member of the Hundred, stood before them, the members of the Alchemist Rider Club exchanged wary glances, uncertain of his intentions despite his claim of being on their side. Amber tightened her grip on her Gotchard Driver, ready to defend herself and her companions if necessary.

Sera, ever the diplomat, stepped forward, her voice calm yet cautious. "Why should we trust you?" she asked, her eyes narrowing as she studied Takehur's expression for any sign of deception.

Takehur sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly under the weight of their suspicion. "I understand your skepticism," he admitted, his gaze flickering between each of them. "But I've had a change of heart. The Boss's ruthless methods and disregard for innocent lives... I couldn't stand by and be a part of it any longer."

Jace stepped forward, his curiosity piqued. "So, what are you doing here?" he asked, his tone tinged with cautious optimism.

"I want to help you," Takehur replied earnestly, his gaze unwavering. "I may not have the Dreadriver anymore, but I know the inner workings of the Hundred. I can provide you with valuable information and insight that could aid you in your mission to stop them."

Amber studied Takehur for a moment, weighing his words carefully. Despite her lingering distrust, she couldn't ignore the possibility that he could be a valuable ally in their fight against the Hundred.

"Fine," she conceded, her voice firm. "But if you try anything suspicious, you'll answer to me."

Takehur nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of her warning. With that, the unlikely group formed an uneasy alliance, united by their shared goal of stopping the Hundred and protecting their world from its tyranny. And as they set out to devise a plan of action, they knew that their journey would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but they were determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together.

Amber puts in the driver Hopper1 and Steamliner. “Gotcha and Go!” She pressed on the two sides of her driver.

Takehur had his sword with his Collection of Vehicle Chemy Cards. “Ironized, Tune up Madwheel!”

“We're going to take back Noa's Driver.” Sera looked at them.

Jace hands Amber a Chemy card. “If you can get Skebow from them, you can use it with this Chemy.”

“Alright.” Amber nods. “If I don't come back. Jace, you'll need to get your Driver Working.”

“Got it, Wait we can't get another Rider to help out  like: Geats, Faiz, Revi and Vice?” Jace putting on his broken Driver. He had the only Chemy Card he could get to work with it.

“No, the Hundred would notice that another World is left defenseless.” Valvarad looked at them.

As above, as Below!” Jace's belt chants with a Female as he pressed his ring on it.

Then he forms a triangle with his hands. “Henshin!”

“G-G-gotcha and Go! Unicorn!” Nothing happened.

Those three head in the Aurora Curtain. Sera was left behind. “Please hurry back.” She was worried.

Noa looked at what happened. “Those idiots. The Hundred will destroy them.”

A/N: This story is going to take a break for a bit. I'm going to be finishing up Arc One around Chapter 10 ish.

Collab Saga 1:Kamen Rider Dread जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें