CHAPTER 05: The Faux Ariel

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My knees throbbed as I was forced to kneel on the cold marble floor of a palace until this unknown person arrived.

I passed out earlier, I wonder why... Could it be that my Stamina dropped to zero? But that's impossible, I can freely swim around before I blacked out.

"The Queen will be entering." The commanding voice of the guard standing beside the door behind me announced before the doors opened with a loud creak.

What the fuck? What Queen are these losers talking about?

The guards were all bowing down and facing the path where the Queen would be walking, where I was currently kneeling.

"AURGH!!-" I coughed harshly after I felt a heel pushing at the back of my neck making me fall forward but it didn't stop her from piercing the heel harder on my nape.

"Lucas, this one doesn't look useful at all..." An alluring voice of a woman broke the silence inside the enormous room as she bent down to the side allowing me to see her face.

She's indeed a beautiful woman, with pale skin and long dark blue hair that reaches until the back of her knees along with those bright red eyes, she surely is fit to be a Queen with those looks alone.

Sadly, her attitude is like this.

Lucas offered his hand to the Queen and she accepted, finally stepping off of me and walking up to her throne then sitting on it.

Another guard followed and stood beside her, opening a scroll and reading its contents that I supposed were made by Lucas himself, considering how it is eerily detailed and creepy.

They sure are invested in this medieval roleplay.

"So you are brought here because of the suspicion of owning a rare skill?" She asked, wanting confirmation from me and I just nodded at her.

"Then further interrogation is not required anymore." She calmly announced and the speed of the moment I raised my head to look at her should have got me dead, I thought I was finally free.

"Bring her to the punishment chamber." A twisted smile adorned her red lips as she looked down at me blinded with pure disgust from the throne she used to lead people as defective as her.

Guards from each of my sides grabbed my arms and forced me to stand up "Where is Elie?" I asked as I tried to break free from their grasp.

"Elie?" She mumbled to herself before looking at Lucas, asking him who I was talking about "It was the kid kept in the dungeon." Lucas answered immediately.

A dungeon?

"You're fucking sick-" I was cut off by a single punch, landing straight to my abdomen causing me to cough out blood "Watch your words," Lucas whispered to me.

What he surely didn't expect though is for his face to be messed with my bloody spit "And you watch your back." This is the last thing I was able to say before I was forcefully dragged out of the room.

+ + +

The continuous tapping of shoes is the only thing that can be heard while we walk through the underground passageway to this 'punishment chamber'.

"Do you think she's actually going to give us proper results?" I heard one of the guards behind me ask the other one.

"Right? She looks too frail, she might die after a single current." And they laughed at their own rude remark, insensitive bastards.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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