Chapter 15- After dark

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Armani Washington

Please Please Please" i said begging my mom to let me go to mula party.

"Armani you sure a party is good for you right now" my mom said.

"Mom i dont even go anywhere please do you want me to sit in my room and be depressed again" i said.

"I already missed the first one" i added.

"Ugh fine you can go" my mom said.

"Yes yes yes yes yes" i said jumping around.

I ran to my room and grabbed my backpack full of clothes.

"Ma can i stay at Dejas house tonight pleaseeee" i said begging again.

"Yea sure armani have fun and be safe" she said.

"Okay I will and love youuuuu" i said before closing the door.

I ran down the street to shaun's store.

"Hii" i said sitting on the ice cream freezer.

"Hey" he said dryly.

"Lame whats wrong" i asked.

"Nothing just ready to go home" he said.

"Oh and speaking of home can i come over tonight" i asked.

He looked at me and nodded his head.

"Anybody ever told you that your kinda funny looking" i said.

"Girl fuck you" he said laughing.

"Matter fact take my picture" he said posing.

I took my phone out and took his picture.

"Hey boo you look a mess" i said laughing.

"Hating ass ima sexy ass young nigga" he said rubbing his chin.

I scrunched my face up.

"On god you feeling yo self toooooo much" i said.

He blew a kiss at me before laughing.

I walked around the store picking up snacks i wanted.

"Unt un hell naw" he said taking some out my hand.

"Stopppp" i said grabbing them back.

"You being greedy" he said.

3 dudes walked out from the store room then ace proceeded behind them.

I watched as ace locked the room up.

"Ughhhhh why is she hereee" ace said jokingly.

I flipped him off.

"Get yo snacks" shaun said.

I smiled and started bagging my stuff up.

I got a big bag of takis, 12 gushers, a big sprite, 6 slim jims, and 3 packs of pop rocks.

"She the reason we aint neva got snacks" ace said.

I rolled my eyes and started putting the snacks they wanted in their bag.

"Come on" shaun said.

We walked out the store and got into shaun car as he locked the store doors.

He got in the car then drove off.

"Can we watch scream when we get home" i asked them.

"Yea you gone cook" shaun asked.

"Yea what yall wanna eat" i asked.

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