Training 💜

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"I know I'm handsome melons but try not stare as much. We don't want you to strain your gifted eyes now do we melons?" Sukuna teased as she blushed before pouting.

"Where were you all this time? You know I was waiting for you right?" Sukuna's smirk widened as he teleported in front of her.

She gasps as she felt his hand cupping her chin as purple orbs stared at two wine iris staring deep in her soul.

"Waiting for me? Or missing me?" She put her hands on his chest to push him away.

"No! You promised you'd train me right? That's why I was a bit...worried when you didn't show up for this long. Also, I was worried for Yuji. He's doing fine right?" She asks softly.

"Yeah that brat is alive." Her eyes widen at his words. "Alive? Did something happened? What did you do--?"

"Shh," He covered her mouth as she squirms in his grip. "You talk way too much when left unleashed. Honestly why do you feel so much attached to that brat you just met once?"

Sukuna raised his brows as she pat his chest before releasing his grip. "Why would I not care for him? He's one of the kindest boy I've met with. He's too good for his own good that he swallowed your finger just to save his friends. Besides, considering he's stuck with you makes me worry more than already for his well-being. "

A tick mark appeared on Sukuna as he glared down at her. "I think it's opposite to that, it's me who's stuck with this brat. You should feel sympathy for me not him. To think there's such large population of humans yet I got stuck with this weak insolent brat-"

"Yuji isn't like that, stop saying bad about him. You're just upset about him resisting you letting take over him." Sukuna's eyes twitched as he let out a deep sigh.

"Forget it. Talking with you is as much painful as much dealing with Itadori brat." He spoke turning around as she pouts.

"Sukuna-sama guess what?" He hums bored.

"I finally met my grandfather today." Sukuna stopped midway hearing her words. His eyes narrowed as he took a deep breath, trying to keep his calm.

"He's totally opposite of what I thought him to be. From my birth, I've only had my daddy to take care of me. I've seen many children with their family, spending their time with each other making beautiful memories to last a lifetime. But I never had anyone except daddy. I've always thought what would it feel to have a complete family. To be loved and cherished by your own people, your own blood. And today, I finally have everything I dreamed. I finally met my grandpa and it feels too good to be true." Luna could feel her voice trembling as her eyes watered with tears of happiness.

"That's good. Enjoy it while it lasts because happiness doesn't last much longer." Sukuna spat leaving her confused. He could still remember Ayana and her despair. She too, was in heavens when she had you. That was first time he saw that smile after her brother's death. And the next time he saw her body being carried by her husband.

It was Ayana who could handle that torture and pain because she was used to it. She, from her childhood, had came to realise the harsh reality of life. Only strongest survive and weak perish. She was used to hardships and pain, she grew up with them. She wasn't pampered or sheltered like Luna.

He didn't want to imagine what would've happen to Luna if she was put in any of her position.

"Sukuna-sama?" He broke out of his trance before turning to her.

"Is everything okay? You just spaced out there." She blinked owlishly as his glare softened at her.

He shook his head. "Nothing. Let's get started."

Before she could even do anything, he swiftly opened the front of his kimono and pulled his arms out from the sleeves. The top hung limply around his waist, leaving his marked chest bare for her to see.

Luna's eyes widened in shock as she squeals embarrassed.

She literally slapped herself across the face while Sukuna was staring at her as if she had grown a second head.


No matter how many times she tried to look away, her eyes always found their way back at his riped chest decorated with those sinful tattoos.

"Oi, melons, what the hell is wrong with you?" Sukuna asked gruffly. "Are you trying to commit suicide? It won't work, your physical body is asleep and perfectly intact."

"That's not forget it," she squeaked.

He raised a brow, realization quickly dawning on him. He smirked slyly at her, "Oh? Do you like the sight of me half-naked? I didn't realize you could be so lewd. Would you like me to remove the rest of my kimono?"

"NO!" She denied embarrassed. "Your tattoos just frightened me, that's all!"

"You're lying." He teased mercilessly. "You know, this body is nowhere near as amazing as my original one."

Luna's face burned before shaking it swiftly,"This has nothing to do with training! Sukuna-sama, come on!"

He chuckled lowly, "Oh fine, but you're the one who was caught staring." She grew flustered under his stare and looked away.

"We'll start with something a little more simple before I begin teaching you the more advanced stuff," he began wisely. "You already mastered basic fire teacniques, so consider this next technique an upgrade:Fire Dragon, Flame Bullet ."

She stared at him blankly,"Who?"

He rolled all four of his eyes. "Not who, what," he corrected. "It's a technique in conjunction with-wait, do you even know what 'conjunction' means?"

"Of course I do! I'm not dumb!" She huffed offended.

"Could've fooled me," he scoffed, which offended her even more. "As I was saying, The user kneads their curse energy into flames, which are then manipulated into a genuine-looking dragon. Since the art of having the flames obey the user's will is outrageously difficult, its mastery is restricted to a limited number of skillful sorcerer. The flames are divided to launch a left side, right side, and frontal assault in all three directions at once, turning the enemy into ash in a matter of seconds."

Luna blinks surprise as her eyes twinkle with stars. "Would you demonstrate it for me, please? It'd be much easier if I witness it being more practical than theoretical. "

"If you insist," He shrugs joining his hands. "Fire Style, Fire Dragon Flame Bullet," A large dragon of fire emerged as it roars, making the domain tremble in it's presence. The dragon flew across domain before finally being extinguished to flames.

"Sukuna-sama, that was so amazing!" Luna cheered, clapping bewildered as Sukuna smirk, liking her praises.

"Now then, let's see you try. Just try to stay as much calm." Luna nods before getting in stance, her eyes holding fierce determination as Sukuna observed her.

"Fire Style, Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!" Sukuna's smirk widened as he saw a fire dragon emerging before letting a battle cry.

I was right, this girl has much more power in her than Ayana. But she was unable to discover it with that white haired bastard. But that's fine, she's in his care now. He will make her a fiercy tigress out of that naive rabbit who is kept sheltered and submitted under Gojo. He'll make sure of it.

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