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"I hope you got it, Miss," a smile is on my way as an assurance to my heart that my boss gives me.

"Of course," Mr Hitler, I grit my teeth and stretch my lips in a perfect pretty smile for a response.

He buys it, nodding his head. I push the door close and step back. My smile vanishes in the air and I walk back to my desk.

Finally, he is not letting me go. How annoying!

I want to resign from this job and find something else to do, if possible, but Mr Hitler is not letting me go, stopping me with lame excuses. I tried a lot to convince him but he is adamant about it.

He has reasoned with me enough times that he doesn't want to lose an employee like me and I wish to get out of here as soon as possible.

I remember my childhood when it was easier and smoother for me. Being a daughter of two beautiful people has its perks. Anything I wanted, I would just smile or bat my eyelashes to lure them into a plain web and they would do anything I would ask them to. However, things have changed now. My beauty can buy me things and so does my mannerism — I know what I am but I have learned to represent myself like a princess because I was raised like one — but not the way I want it anymore.

I got a promotion, too.

I went to ask him if this was his way of keeping me from resigning but he told me that he had been thinking about my promotion for a long time, seeing my work and dedication.

Thank goodness, otherwise, I would never have accepted this promotion.

I put my coffee cup on the table when the girl beside me peeks over the divider, uttering, "So how was it?"

Why does she want to know?

"I can't resign," I murmur, looking away.

"I see. Hitler is very fond of you, isn't it? But you want to follow Ibzan, right?"

"What do you mean, Vaidehi?"

Though I know she desperately wants me to grab her by her hair and shove her face into the desk, I hold myself back and listen to her patiently.

What a painful virtue it is.

"Ibzan is gone, we all know that." She is hissing like he just died. No, he got promoted and now is out of India. "You two were dating and now when he's not here, you want to follow him, right?"


She rolls her eyes. Damn audacity. I grip my cup and take a sip, my taste buds falling at rest.

"Why are you hiding?" She raises her volume, stepping out to stand beside me. Oh, trust me, that tone was annoying. I shoot her a bored look but deep inside, my hands are itching to do her operation.

"Vaidehi," I sigh.

"Yes?" She crosses her arms on her chest, tipping her chin.

"Uh... I'm annoyed and I want you to stay away from me if you don't want yourself to be broken from somewhere. I don't think you'll like that side of me."

She chuckles. "I'm glad you told me," she exclaims, raising her arms in defense and walking away. The sound of her heels striking the floor resonates.

I grab my seat and enjoy my coffee, ready to leave after it is done. After my boss learned that I am getting married, he even granted me some freedom. My boss has come a long way from being Hitler to becoming Santa Claus. What changed him?

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