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⁠♪ तुमको पाया है तो जैसे खोया हूं

कहना चाहु भी तो तुमसे क्या कहूं?।

तुमको पाया है तो जैसे खोया हूं।

कहना चाहु भी तो तुमसे क्या कहूं?। ⁠♪

The soft melody and the sweetness of the singer's voice spread across the main hall along with the white smoke near our legs.

Keeping my eyes on her, I hold her hand as well as her waist. Her skin feels warm against my hold, the curve so enchanting. Her skin is smooth and I can't help but note it. So the way her heart is, which she keeps behind a boundary.

She looked reluctant even though she was the one who asked me for a dance. I don't seek for the reason because her asking me is enough to make me happy

⁠♪ किसी जबां में भी वो लफ्ज़ ही नहीं

कि जिनमें तुम हो क्या, तुम्हें बता सकूं। ⁠♪

Stealing her gaze and looking at I don't know what, she puts a hand on my shoulder. I want her to look at me. So I do this one thing, I pull her closer to me to get all her attention.

⁠♪ मैं अगर कहूं, "तुम सा हसीन,

कायनात में नहीं है कहीं।

तारीफ ये भी तो सच है कुछ भी नही

तुमको पाया है तो जैसे खोया हूं। ⁠♪

She gasps, her hold becoming tight on my jacket as she clutches it. We're so close. I can smell the sweetness of honey mixed with almonds that exudes from her neck. And she makes me wonder how soon I'm going to explore her and breathe into her scent.

I'm so shameless to imagine this.

Her eyes go wide at my actions and she grits out, "What was that?"

I begin moving on the slow rhythms of the music, along with her. She complies. "Just wanted you to look at me," I reply, giving her a mischievous smile.

Just forget about those things, Barak.

She squints her eyes at me and at the same time, the magical touch of the music appears. Oh, what a timing. Her inky eyelashes almost kiss but the shine of her dark pupils makes it look like a moon hidden behind the low clouds.

I twirl her before I pull her back, as if afraid of letting the moment end before my heart sighs in satisfaction.

"I love it when you look at me like that."

⁠♪ शोखियों में डूबी ये अदाएं चेहरे से झलकी हुई हैं।

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