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He asked me to pack stuff.

I was wondering if the trip was over. Just in two days? But he didn't tell me much and I did as he said. All the while, I wanted to ask him about the honeymoon because I was beginning to enjoy the trip but I held myself back.

When I realized the car ride was too long to the airport, I asked him, "The airport is only a few minutes away and it's been half an hour, Barak."

"We aren't going to the airport but Ávila. Just wait a little."

I obeyed him and waited until we reached the hilly area even though I was really curious to know where he was taking me. But one thing was confirmed we weren't going back to India this soon. However, it was becoming hard to hold myself back.

It was still morning and I realized the change in the surroundings. Ávila wasn't far away and I was glad about it.

The car stops by a villa.

"Here," he says, opening the door and stepping out.

I follow him, closing the door back and walking towards him. He takes down our suitcase and the driver helps him though he needs no help. He puts it aside and pays the driver so that he leaves.

Once the car is away, I turn to the metal doors of the villa and behold the huge house before my eyes. Flower vines lay above the walls, hanging by the corners. Some of the petals have fallen to the ground and I find a pair of stray cats walking away, swaying their tails.

The architecture was alluring. Its vibe was lovely.

"My relatives live here. You know them," he says in my ear, standing behind me. His proximity is sweet and makes me desire more. His touch is comfy.

I raise my gaze to look at him over my shoulder, my nostrils filling up with the fresh scent of his cologne. "Who?" I ask, having him closer than before as he puts his arm on my waist.

"Aunt Naina, remember now?"


The mother of the woman who is in love with my husband? How can I forget her? I have engraved her in my mind. And even if I try to, I can't push her out of my thoughts.


"She wanted to meet you," he holds the suitcase as it rolls behind him, putting the bag on his shoulder as he doesn't let me hold anything.

"Oh, I see," I answer him with no interest, because all the while, only Sunaina goes through my mind. She must be waiting for us inside, right?

He goes inside and I follow him. Like always, he doesn't forget to hold my hand and give my heart a reason to skip a beat.

"Said, the meeting was too short to know you more, and you're like her daughter. I also thought Ávila would be awesome for other days."

When he speaks, admiration sprinkles from his words for Ávila.

We passed by a large lawn that was fine and clean. The grass wasn't too long, and neatly taken care of. The path was surrounded by tall trees and bushes. The fresh scent of leaves still dominated the area.

"What's special here?" I can't help but ask in curiosity. The way he just indirectly complimented Ávila speaks more than his words can define.

What's so special here?

"Something I'll show you this evening," he promises, giving me his dimple smile.

I won't investigate further. We reach the threshold of the house and he presses the doorbell. We don't have to stand even for a minute when the door opens and a smiling figure receives us.

Love Me, MikaylaWhere stories live. Discover now