Chapter 4: Maiden and the Abyss (1)

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"So uh, Shifty?" 

"Yeah?" The operator said, as Vulca waited for the squad he'd be commanding for the day.

"Why are you on the comms this time? Normally I don't need an operator y'know?" He inquired. Shifty explained that due to the nature of the operation, she'd be on hand if needed. Considering Vulca's expertise in surviving and dealing with corrupted Nikkes, coming out on the other side unscathed, and various other things, he was a valuable asset for this mission.  After the explanation, Vulca was left a little lost for words, before thanking Shifty for the explanation and typing away at his phone, chatting with Yuni and Mihara. 

"Greetings assistant!" A voice called to you abruptly. Vulca stopped texting, shooting Yuni a quick goodbye as he put his phone away. 

 "I am Guillotine de Mephisto, the Guardian of Balance, bearer of The One-Winged Dark Lord. It seems like your presence is the one that will be aiding us today." The blonde proclaimed. Half the words that left her lips went right through one ear and out the other. 


"Sorry about her. I am Maiden, this is Guillotine. We're from Elysion and the two of us make up the Nikke subjugation squad known as Extrinsic. I take it you Commander Vulca right?" The dark-haired beauty in the mask said. Vulca nodded. 

"So ya needed my help specifically for this one? Arent you two pros at this?" Vulca questioned, lighting up a cigarette. Guillotine seemed ticked off at the disrespect but Maiden stopped her. 

"Truth is, I requested your aid specifically as the movements of the target are rather peculiar and unlike anything we've seen from an Irregular." Maiden explained. "After all a reputation such as yours precedes you." Maiden added, attempting to compliment Vulca. One he didn't take too well considering the meaning behind it.

"Right. Let's hop to it then, ey?" Vulca said as the three of them departed for the surface. 

~. . .~

"Yo, If I can ask, what's with the mask Maiden? Isn't it stifling to breathe in that?" Vulca questioned. Maiden affirmed that before a thought crossed her mind. 

"If you read the files, you would know that I have my mask prevents my kotodama ability from activating with every word. Right?" 

"They hand out files now?" 

Maiden couldn't help but chuckle at his response before explaining further that the mask she wears filters out the ability, whereas the eyepatch that Guillotine wears hinders her special ability. 

"Wait so that whole spiel earlier wasn't a . . . chunnybiyou or whatever it's called thing?" Vulca asked further. He'd heard about some Nikke having unique abilities, like the twins from the casino being able to boost someone's luck, or the Nikke in the north who causes technology to shut down at a simple touch. But never abilities that seem so . . . tailor-made to stop Nikke themselves. It left Vulca wondering where they were when . . . He shook off the thought before turning back to Maiden and Guillotine.

"Well, regardless I think the mask looks cute on ya. Not only that I think your whole outfit suits ya." Vulca complimented Maiden with a grin. 

"Is that so . . . I don't think I've ever heard someone say that before." Maiden bashfully admitted whilst playing with a strand of her hair. 

"Well, I dunno how you weren't told so sooner. Both of you look awesome! And the schematics behind your abilities must be a masterclass from a design standpoint. Nothin' short of cool in my eyes." Vulca prattled on. Guillotine seemed to take the compliments and questions in stride, pleased that someone would humor her, whereas Maiden couldn't help but have her thoughts swirl and overthink what the absentminded man had said prior. 

Heart of SteelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora