Chapter 13: Joint Operation (2)

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"Tch . . . This trail has no end in sight, huh?" Vulca complained as the group continued their trek. Their hunt so far hasn't been in any way fruitful at all. Erwin also seemed to be getting tired. After all, out of the group 7, 2 were human, and therefore susceptible to exhaustion. Mihara and Rapi picked up on this, nodding at each other as they had the same idea. 

"Well, Commander . . . Why don't we call it a night? As much as I enjoy the pain of exhaustion, I can tell you don't." Mihara offered gently, grabbing hold of his right arm.

"No, No I can keep goin'. I'm just a little winded that's all." 

"Vulca, you look exhausted. Let's call it a night so you can reward me!" Yuni added, smiling up at him as she took his left. Erwin's group echoed similar sentiments (minus the odd statement) and they set up camp. After Rapi set up some decoys to give them about four hours, Vulca was asked by Erwin why he became a commander.

"Me? Well . . . strictly put, I'd say mostly for money." 

"Guess I'm down some credits . . . " Neon complained, as Anis smirked. Seems like the two had made bets as to what prompted Vulca to pursue this life path.

"But then again, what other option would someone from the Outer Rim have? Crime? Indentured Servitude for a Soveirgn? That just ain't my style at all. Truth be told, I tried to get a job as a mechanic, but they all said they figured someone like me would rig a bomb or something. I know how to rig a bomb, but that's not the point." 

"I see." 

"That made me sound shady didn't it." 


"Oh well. But regardless, I've been given a chance to do something not many others can do. I'm grateful for it in a sense." Vulca smiled. He yawned as he began to feel the sweet allure of sleep. As he drifted off he felt someone's arms wrap around him, causing him to feel a sense of comfort.

~. . .~

The next morning, Vuca came too struggling to breathe and having an incredibly dry mouth. Then he felt the crushing weight on his body. As he came too, he found that Yuni was asleep on top of him. At the realization, Mihara and Erwin quickly woke up Yuni to get her off Vulca before she crushed him to death. 

"Awww . . . But I liked sleeping with you." 

"I feel like a truck-" Vulca quickly shut himself up. Liter did tell him not to bring up a woman's weight, let alone that of a Nikke. Yuni frowned as she waited in anticipation for what he was going to say.

" . . . Next time, ask to cuddle up, okay? We'll figure something out." Vulca said, mustering a smile. Yuni beamed and hugged him again. 

"Yuni . . . my . . . ribs!" Vulca groaned as he was constricted. 

"Even better~" 

After that whole debacle, the group continued their hunt for Chatterbox. Along the way, Mihara explained the nature of Yuni's body. She can only "feel" when in physical contact with something or someone. Now normally, Mihara would be more than willing to be on the receiving end of Yuni's "affection". But even now Vulca was willing to endure Yuni's form of affection as it was her way of wanting to connect with him. Yuni glanced up at Vulca as she squeezed his hand, flashing that happy, genuine smile of hers that she'd show every so often.

"Still no signs of Chatterbox? I hope we are on the right trail." 

"Well, maybe Chatterbox intends to wear us down before engaging us?" Neon offered. There had been quite a few encounters with raptures whilst the group had traveled. 

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