Chapter 10: Miscellaneous Interactions

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Just some random interactions between Vulca and Co. Take it as a breather chapter.

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"Hey, Granny?" 

"Hm? Something up, Greenhorn?" Liter took off her goggles and turned back to the commander she took in. It wasn't like him to seek her out whilst she was working unless it was important.

"So let's say you got someone textin' ya nonstop. How do you deal with that?" Vulca asked sheepishly. Liter put two and two together and a teasing look crossed her face. 

"Look at you go, ladykiller. I figured it'd happen sooner or later." She playfully punched his arm. "Don't play with too many hearts at once though, greenhorn. I'd rather you make it to forty." 

"Granny. What? I'm not like that with anyone." 

"Oh. . .  Well, it depends on what they're texting you. Mind if I take a gander?" 

Vulca passed her the phone. After mumbling some complaints about "new-fangled phones being difficult to operate", Liter scrolled through the messages to try and figure out what was troubling Vulca. After all, someone like him is normally really . . . reserved when it comes to this sorta stuff. After glancing through the chats with Yuni she shuddered, after glancing through the chats with Mihara she winced, the chats with Frima made her scratch her head at how terse they were, and the chats with Milk were asking to spar, with Vulca adamantly rejecting the offer and lastly Guillotine's chat had some weird poetry in it. So who could be blowing up his phone? 

Then it began. 

One text. Then two. Then five. Then a torrent came in. Navigating to the perpetrator, Liter finally located the source—Maiden's chat. 

"Good heavens. She likes you. My word, greenhorn, what did you do to get her to like you that much?" She asked, wide-eyed at the speed of the chats.  

Vulca shrugged in response, as Liter sighed. 

"Guess it's that rustic charm from yours truly. At least you try to respond to most of these. Try and tell her to tone it down a little. You thought of that already didn't you?" 

Vulca's sheepish smile as the obvious was the one thing he neglected to think about. Liter sighed and facepalmed. This man could be as airheaded as Centi when it comes to softer subjects, and it would be the death of her one day. 

"One of these days, I'll have to educate you on proper etiquette with women, greenhorn." 


As Vulca navigated the streets of the Outer Rim, he eventually found his way into a seedy bar. As he waited around,  he tapped his foot impatiently and shifted suspiciously. Bar's weren't his forte let alone ones in the Outer Rim. Still, as the minutes went by, Vulca wondered what was taking them so long. Eventually, the sounds of footsteps getting closer caught his attention, and he turned around instinctually. 

"Ah, was wondering where you were." 

" . . . Right. Anyways, just like we agreed, She's all yours for the day." *Crow said, holding Jackal up by the scruff of her jacket collar. Jackal waved eagerly. 

"She hasn't shut up about being excited for today. I'd say stay out of trouble but I don't care." Crow shrugged, turning on her heels and departing. Jackal eagerly took Vulca's hand and placed it on her head. 

"You're gonna headpat me lots, right?! Right?! And then we'll go blow up stuff and then you'll feed me lots of good food and-"

"Ease up there you little rascal. To answer your questions, yes, no, and maybe." 

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