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By the sheer power of estimation and vague lat-lon lines, Y/n managed to plug the coordinates of Astoria's most visited home into her control panel

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By the sheer power of estimation and vague lat-lon lines, Y/n managed to plug the coordinates of Astoria's most visited home into her control panel. Her GPS lit up, revealing the first location.

The Wailing Alps.

She grimaced at the memory of the perilous mountain range before pressing the confirmation button, officially setting course straight for them. The last time she'd been there was with the boys in a desperate scramble to reach the Blind Man's Eye.

They'd almost been blown off the face of the mountain.

Good times.

Now, things seemed to have come full circle; Y/n's tempest-obsessed mother was living there for whatever reason. Y/n's best guess was that she was trying to lessen the blow of the constant storms. She had to be using her powers for some kind of good, right? Climate control was a great start.

By that theory, Astoria probably knew a thing or two about ignoring the wind's bloodthirsty wails.

Y/n hoped that was the case.

The forests of northern Ninjago blurred past through Y/n's window as she sped down the winding road. Not many people lived up here, save for the small communities of mountain villages. Ninjago City sat on the upper east coast of Ninjago, while the Wailing Alps capped the very top of the continent.

It wasn't too far a distance between them.

As Y/n cruised the car down a straight leg of the road, her hand subconsciously flew to the butterfly pendant on her neck. She absentmindedly turned it in her fingers as her mind swarmed with thoughts.

If her mother had abandoned her in the first place, would she even want to see her?

Who was her father?

Did she even know who her daughter was?

Did she care?

It was then that she wished she'd taken someone with her on this trip. Nya would have chased her worries away with an intriguing conversation about what would happen if they combined their powers. "Okay, but what if we made a hurricane?" she'd say. Y/n would laugh nervously in response.

Kai would welcome her to the mommy issues club and throw an initiation party right there in the car. Y/n suspected it would involve fireworks.

Cole would assure her that Astoria had a good explanation for everything. If Y/n insisted that that probably wasn't true (still traumatized by the abandonment, of course), he would blast rock music on the radio until she couldn't hear herself think. They would scream improvised lyrics with shitty pitch that would make their dad burst into tears if he were present.

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