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this chapter is one day late and i have no excuse other than my friend called me at 10pm yesterday and we babbled for a little too long :)

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this chapter is one day late and i have no excuse other than my friend called me at 10pm yesterday and we babbled for a little too long :)

The formling man was chained once more while the blizzard samurai dragged Y/n out of the dungeons in a net of dark ice.

After one too many furious bursts of spinjitsu, her concussed head was pretty tired of life. Her vision blurred to the point where she questioned if she was staring at the back of a samurai or a hunk of ice (both were correct classifications, really).

Vex's goons hauled her to a wide chamber lit by pockets of glowing ice. Upon closer inspection, Y/n saw . . . people? They'd been frozen inside like flies in crystal blue amber. Stone steps led up to a throne of ice, on which sat an armored emperor. A samurai prodded Y/n with his spear, forcing her to bow to the emperor.

"Storm Summoner." His voice was low and creaked with something ancient. Each word seemed strained, and Y/n wondered if he was seriously dehydrated.

Vex climbed the flight of stairs to stand beside the throne. "We witnessed your . . . episode by the village. You destroyed a battalion of the Emperor's blizzard samurais."

Y/n cringed as she recalled the sound of hailstones hitting the lake. Blocks of ice crashing into buildings. Her friends yelling for her to stop.

"The Emperor is willing to pardon your crimes and set you free," Vex continued. Y/n shot him a murderous glare. She knew where this was going. "-as long as you lay the wrath of Wojira upon the People of the Lake."


She stared blankly at the blob she hoped was Vex, masking the throbbing of her head. She hoped her dizziness wasn't making her sway, but there was no one of knowing.

"I refuse," Y/n affirmed.

"You choose the people who ran you out of their village over your own freedom?" Vex questioned.

Y/n didn't blame the People of the Lake for their decision to cast her out. If anything, she regretted not getting the chance to repay their hospitality. But she wasn't about to explain that to Vex.

"I won't harm them," she said firmly.

"Monsters and humans cannot coexist," Vex claimed coolly. "The only place for a beast like you is in a realm without the weak."

Y/n shook her head one final time.

The Ice Emperor looked down at her scornfully. "Then you will rot in the dungeons," he declared at a glacial pace. He turned to his mustached advisor. "Take her below ground."

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When Lloyd awakened, he found himself propped up against a wall of ice-cold stone in a small cell. Shafts of weak, white sunlight streamed in through the window to his left. He got to his feet with a slight wince upon realizing the magnitude of his headache (a resultant of getting knocked out with the butt of an axe).

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