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The Land Bounty shot out from a portal of churning white light, hitting the snowy side of a mountain with a terrific thump

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The Land Bounty shot out from a portal of churning white light, hitting the snowy side of a mountain with a terrific thump. It proceeded to somersault down the steep slope, sending Y/n's concussed brain on a rollercoaster in her head. She gripped the arm of her seat in one hand and Lloyd's hand with the other. Her knuckles went white from the constant strain, but she wasn't letting go of either any time soon.

It felt like ages later that the lurching finally stopped. The Bounty had landed upside down. Y/n took a full minute to unscramble her brain, feeling the blood rush to her head as she hung like a bat from the ceiling of a cave.

Lloyd was the first to speak. "Everyone . . . okay?"

Cole groaned in unenthusiastic response. "Great, now I know how my socks feel in the dryer . . ."

"I think I swallowed my teeth," Kai informed the group.

The ninja unbuckled from their seats, dropping down to the roof of the Land Bounty. With her mind somewhat cleared, Y/n felt the unnatural chill of the air brush over her skin. She shivered slightly.

Jay was the last to unbuckle, flopping onto the metal with a wince. "Ow! I'm not liking this Realm so far."

Nya jumped up to reach the control panel, turning on the navigation system. The screen lit up with a map of Ninjago, but the Land Bounty's tracker was nowhere to be seen. "We're off the map. Coordinates unknown."

"Looks like we made it," Y/n noted.

She watched how her breath came out in a puff of white vapor from the cold. Already, she was hearing a dark hum in the back of her mind.

Maybe coming here wasn't the best idea . . .

Morro told her that the wind was neutral by nature.

But was that true for the Never-Realm?

"From what Master Wu said, getting here isn't the hard part. It's getting home," Lloyd recalled. "The Traveler's Tea?"

Cole scooped the pouch up from the "floor."

Lloyd nodded gratefully. "Good. Whatever happens, don't—"

The Bounty suddenly pitched to the side with a groan of metal, causing Y/n to stumble forward. She slid across the smooth steel, getting a wonderful look out the windshield when she came to a stop.

"Oh, shit."

She wasn't afraid of heights, —that had been a brief episode when she'd lost her memories in the First Realm— but seeing the sheer drop below was enough to send her head spinning. The cliff's edge opened up to a fall with no visible end. The mountain seemed to yawn, icy jaws ajar and prepared to swallow any unsuspecting visitors.

"What? What is it?" Jay said, curious. He walked over to Y/n.

"No, don't!" The words barely left her lips when the Bounty tipped under Jay's added weight.

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