003. Big Star

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three (you're a) big star

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(you're a) big star

HOLLY'S BEEN living in Stars Hollow for just under a month now, on the top floor of an apartment block just on the town's outskirts. There are about six flats there, and its inhabitants are mostly couples in their mid-twenties who can't quite afford a house yet. It's a little more run-down than most of Stars Hollow, and a far cry from the four-bedroom house in the city that Holly used to live in, but she's beginning to get used to it.

Her bedroom is narrow — her bed takes up the whole length of one of her walls, which have been wallpapered grey, with white paint on the other three walls. Most of her bedroom is grey; grey curtains, painted grey windowsill, grey shelves nailed to the wall opposite her bed. Grey lampshade. One of the only things that isn't grey is her bright pink duvet cover, and the pinboard on the wall above her bed which has pictures of her friends in Bridgeport that she hasn't kept in contact with. She has one window, opposite her bed, and when she looks out of it she can see almost all of Stars Hollow.

Her mom argued against her painting almost her whole room grey, but Holly honestly likes it. She finds it easier to sleep when there aren't bright colours everywhere, and she thinks it's a good reflection of her mood — just grey, everywhere.

There's one room in the centre of their flat that is both their living room and their kitchen. On one side is all of their kitchen appliances, and on the other are two sets of sofas, with a TV on the far wall. Her mom's room is next to hers, with a bathroom on the other side. Both of them cry in there sometimes when they think the other can't hear.

There are pictures of Holly's dad everywhere, and his urn sits on the mantelpiece with some fake flowers on either side. They didn't bring much else with them. Holly thinks it's better that way. Reminders of her old home would be too painful. Sometimes when her mom's not home she sits and talks to the urn, and it feels like she's just telling her dad about her day. It makes her feel stupid though, so she only does it when she knows she won't get caught.

Holly's favourite time of day in their flat is morning, reason being she has something to look forward to. It's always quiet, and a lot of the time it's painful, but in the mornings, Holly can chalk it up to that she's tired. Her dad was always a morning person, and would make enough noise to wake the dead (no pun intended) while pottering around their kitchen. She grew to miss it as his illness got worse. Now, she'd give anything to have her sleep interrupted again.

Her mom usually sleeps in, a habit she's fallen into since they moved here so it's just Holly awake in the mornings. For the first couple of days, Lucy would get up and see her off to school, but she stopped after that. So, Holly wanders around the flat with light feet, and gently closes the door when she leaves.

Typically, Holly would be at the bus stop by 7:15 to get to Chilton for eight. However, today is Rory's first day, and Lorelai has offered to drop her off while she drops Rory. Holly is happy to take her up on this, even if she has to put up with Rory's jitters.

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