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Wonwoo looked at the unconscious girl and sighed. He was in his world until he heard the door opening.

Well slamming.

Hoshi who slammed the door and rushed inside with Leo behind him ran towards the unconscious Y/N.

His heart was beating too fast. He sat on the bed and held her hand to check her pulse.

A little weak.

Maybe because she got her blood sucked for the first time.

And the amount is not less.

'How could this happen?!' He gritted his teeth.

Wonwoo noticed Hoshi was too angry so he shook his shoulder.

'Dunno how she came there when everyone was at a place.' He replied.

Hoshi sighed.

He couldn't blame Wonwoo. Because there was something wrong.

When Hoshi was being called out after the competition, he got to know that someone had mixed drugs inside the vampire's drinks.

All the vampires were out of their minds and became blood-sucking.

Wonwoo was no exception. He tried to control himself but he was given more dosage than the others.

Hoshi who also drank quickly took the antidote.

But Leo said that he won't have any effects on his body because of his human body which was mixed with this world's vampire body.

Unable to think how that is possible, Hoshi focused on helping others.

The side Y/N went was specially closed for the first prince, Wonwoo because he was out of his mind. They had to give others antidotes before taking their help to give Wonwoo an antidote.

Hoshi knew it wasn't Wonwoo's fault but he felt a headache. He looked at Y/N's neck and found a small reddish area.

Wonwoo has helped her to heal the injury.

Leo has morphed into a bird and is sitting on Hoshi's shoulder.

'Host is weak nothing else.' Leo said.

Soon Sang Yeob came and heard what happened. He was furious and could do nothing but accept it.

It was not a big deal to be sucked by a vampire.

But the first time is painful for every human being. That's why he was worried.

If Y/N is enough shocked then she may go into a coma or lose her consciousness.

Wonwoo walked out of the room to give Y/N's close ones privacy and stumbled upon his brother.



'Why is the second and crown prince, Jungkook here?' Wonwoo asked.

'I heard Hyung knocked out someone by sucking her blood. So I came to see if it was true or not.' Jungkook spoke.

'True. She is resting.' Wonwoo said as he walked towards his chamber.

Jungkook followed him.

The crown prince was actually 1.78 meters taller as the first prince was 1.82 meters taller. Yet Jungkook's aura was much more darker than Wonwoo's.

Jungkook was too thin. The royal clothes were perfectly fine. The darkness in his eyes made him look majestic.

While Wonwoo was no less than Jungkook.

'You have never liked to drink human blood hyung.' Jungkook said.

The butler and royal guards followed the two royal princes from far as they strode towards Wonwoo's chamber.

'I know. But I think it was because of the drugs.'

'That can be the true though. What will you do if you find out that you can actually drink her blood? Will you make her your blood servant?' He asked.

'Her status can't be decided as blood servant.'

'Then your playtime?!'

'Crown prince mind your language.' Wonwoo sighed.

'But you have to make her stay with you for your own good.' Junngkook said.

'But why are you so into this matter? I believe this is my own matter and I can handle it.' Wonwoo stopped in front of his door.

'Me? Actually I don't know.' He shrugged off.

'You have seen her, right? But she hasn't seen you yet. That means you have no encounter together. Do you like her?' Wonwoo was curious.

'No. But I kind of feel an attachment towards her. But It's not that kind of affection. More like another type and I don't know what it is. So I will observe her.' Jungkook said.

'Good. Don't like her because I kind of liked that little human. She is suspicious along with Jae-Chan. They both are too mysterious for me. If you know anything then let me know.' Wonwoo went inside.

Jungkook strolled back and thought,

'Hyung I am curious about her too. When I first saw her, I cried..... I, who didn't cry when my grandparents died, cried after seeing a mortal. A human girl...'

Jungkook was now alone inside his study room. He was thinking about the day he first saw Y/N.





I still remember the first time I saw her. Lee Y/N. I didn't know her name first.

It was that time when she came to this palace to live. I was in a disguise. I was disguised as Wonwoo Hyung's shadow guard.

That time I saw her.

I don't even remember what happened but when I regained my consciousness, I was crying.

My chest was painful because of unknown sorrow. The more I looked at her the more I cried.

When I ran back to my room and finally let out a sob, I felt too sorrow. The girl..... who was she?

I didn't know. But it felt like I met someone whom I needed to meet. I thought of the soulmate thing which is too rare.

But strangely I had no romantic feelings for her. I was sure that I didn't like her that way.

Then why did I cry? Why am I yearning for her? Who was she?

I investigated and found out that she was an ordinary human. Strangely Jae-Chan Hyung was too close to her.

I heard that before she was adopted, she and Jae-Chan were friends and met again after many years.

I investigated for dunno what reason and the strangest thing was that Jae-Chan and Y/N never met in their childhood.

They lied.

Then I also found out that they were kind of enemies until the day I was in the hospital, they spoke some strange words and hugged each other and cried.

Since then they have been inseparable.

This girl was something. She made me dig her deeper and find everything about her. She suddenly became a good student and wanted to study medicine.

I found out about her childhood too.

Yet there were no meetings between us in our childhood.

Thus I am sure that I have seen her for the first time in my life.

But why did I cry?

Right now I rushed to see if she was okay after hearing about the incident.

Why am I so worried about her? I don't know.....


The author has something to say: Jungkook has made his first appearance in chapter 14!

T𝕙𝕖 Jeon Ƭwιɴs |𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔 V🄰mpιʀᴇ 🄰🅄 FF|Where stories live. Discover now