slytherin boys react random scenarios

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"i will be back at the end of your detention miss y/l/n, do not even think about leaving early because i will know" snape announced , and got up to leave, not before sending you one last glare though. you rolled your eyes and slumped into your chair. 2 whole hours alone in detention whilst your whole friend group were out having fun at hogsmeade.

you sat there watching the clock, the seconds felt like minutes and the minutes felt like hours. "im not going to survive this" you muttered to yourself before giving up and resting your head on the table, maybe you could sleep your way through it.

after what felt like hours but was probably a few minutes someone cleared their throat and pulled you away from your thoughts. completely startled your head shot up, you were meant to be alone, who the hell had broke into your detention. before you could panic your eyes met hazel ones.

leaning against the desk with his arms crossed and a lazy smile on his face was your boyfriend mattheo. "i hope im not disturbing your slumber" he drawled looking down at where you had previously been led before dragging his eyes back up to yours. "oh shut up" you rolled your eyes playfully and made your way over to him.

his hands immediately fell to your hips as you wrapped your arms around his neck and placed a soft kiss on his lips. "hey".
"hey princess" he pulled you closer and deepened the kiss. his familiar scent of leather and cigarettes enveloped you.

eventually you pulled away but kept your hands around his neck, "so mr riddle to what do i owe the pleasure, aren't you meant to be at hogsmeade with everyone else?" you asked. "you weren't going. so neither was i" he replied as if it was obvious. his response filled you with happiness.

"what if someone catches you, snape will go ballistic".
"you are worth the risk" he offered before moving his hands to the back of your thighs and lifting you up.
wrapping your legs around his waist "mattheo riddle, are you a secret romantic?" you teased. his deep laugh vibrated through your body. "only for you princess"

he began peppering kisses down your neck making you groan and pull at his hair he placed you down on the desk and fell to his knees. "i do love seeing you down on your knees for me" you quipped, his answering grin caused the knot in your stomach to tighten and your need for him to heighten. he lifted your skirt up and began kissing up your thigh.


"come on y/n, we have gone over this so many times" tom repeated for the millionth time. you could tell he was losing his patience but it wasn't your fault, how were you supposed to remember all this information? "tom can we please just stop for today, i give up i'm too tired" you flashed him puppy dog eyes to try and plead your case.

he shook his head and rolled his eyes, "don't try and get your way by looking at me like that" though you could tell he was holding back a smirk. "you can have a 5 minute break but then we are carrying on, maybe we should try a new method." this time he did smirk. "what kind of method?" you asked warily. "each time you get something right, i will reward you.", this made you laugh, "you are acting like you are training a dog", "it feels like i am" he teased.

"okay fine, let's try it, what will my rewards be?", "you will have to wait and see, patience is virtue y/n" he taunted. but you had a feeling you knew what his 'rewards' would be and just the though caused heat to pool in your lower stomach.

"breaks over doll, come here" he beckoned you over with his hand and patted his lap, the sight of his veiny hands did all kinds of things to you and images from last night when his hands were wrapped around your throat flashed through your mind before you pushed them aside and made your way over to tom.


"where next y/n?" theo mused, as much as he complained whenever you wanted to go shopping he secretly enjoyed watching you in your element. "just one more shop and then we can go get some food" you promised. "take your time cara mia"

you grabbed theo's hand and led him towards the shop. you had spotted a dress when you were there last week with pansy that you desperately wanted to try on. you made it to the shop and luckily the dress was still there. "look theo, isn't it perfect, i hope it looks good on me", "anything looks good on you y/n", heat rose on your cheeks at his compliment, "you know how to make a girl blush mr nott" he grinned back at you, rubbed his thumb across your cheek before placing a kiss on your forehead.

you went to go try on the dress, but realised you couldn't do it up yourself as the zip was too far down, so you called theo in to help you. he ran his knuckle down your back before grabbing the zip and doing the dress up, his rough hands sending a shiver down your spine. once he had reached the top you dropped your hair and began to look at yourself in the mirror.

the dress was beautiful, it was ruched and a midnight blue colour, it hugged your body and ended mid thigh. once you were done inspecting the dress you looked back up and met theo's eyes in the mirror. "you look stunning amore mio, how did i get so lucky" his italian accent always made you melt like butter. you turned around to face him and pulled him down to kiss him, he quickly took over the kiss and pushed you against the wall, placing kisses all down your neck.


draco entered your dorm as you were just finishing getting ready, you sprayed your perfume on your wrists and neck before turning around to face draco. he stood there looking so good it should be illegal. he was dressed in a black suit, a boquet of red roses in hand and a lazy grin on his face.

"you look beautiful love" he professed, and stalked towards you. "you don't look to bad yourself, you clean up well" you quipped trying to hide the fact that he made you quite literally weak in the knees. "these are for you" he handed you the red roses and you couldn't stop the huge smile that spread across your face, "thank you dray, they are beautiful".

you placed the roses on your dressing table and then leaned in to kiss him. you pulled back a few seconds later but draco grabbed you and pulled you back in, this time the kiss was more passionate as you both explored eachother, his hands moved to your dress as he began to pull it down.

"draco we can't, our reservation is in 30 mins" you giggled. "we can get another reservation, i promise this will be more fun"


you and enzo were staying at your house for the holidays, the rest of your family had gone out for the night so you and enzo were having a date night in.

the mix of spices wafted through the air and caused your stomach to rumble. "enz that smells so good, i'm starving". you were sat on the kitchen counter watching enzo make your favourite pasta dish.

he grinned at you, "it won't be much longer darling, i promise.", "well let's hope so or your girlfriend might actually die of hunger" you tried to keep a straight face but ended up giggling when you saw the look on enzo's face. "you are such a drama queen y/n".

he sprinkled the cheese on the dish and then put it in the oven before making his way over to you and situating himself between your legs. you began running your hands through his hair, you loved the feel of the soft strands between your fingers. he placed one hand on the back of your neck and the other on your inner thigh, setting an insane amount of butterflies lose in your stomach, he began rubbing circles with his thumb on your thigh and then leaned in to kiss you.

you hummed in approval and began fisting  his hair. a sharp ringing broke the spell between you both, and he mumbled "dinners ready" into your lips, you earlier hunger had been replaced with a need for him. he went to pull away and get the pasta but you pulled him back in. he kissed you back but then pulled away again, you groaned in protest "y/n i need to get the dinner out, what happened to you 'dying of hunger'" he chuckled.

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