slytherin boys react them realising they are in love with you (his pov)

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i carried on making my way up the stairs of the astronomy tower, as y/n rambled on about her latest book. i could listen to her talk for hours and never get bored, hell i could even watch her count every strand of grass at hogwarts and never get bored. something about her just fascinates me, she is so different to everyone else and when i look at her a foreign feeling creeps in, one that i have never felt before.

we finally made it to the top and i looked over at her she was panting from the walk up the stairs and her cheeks had a faint rosiness to them, i resisted the urge to trace the outline with my thumb. "take a picture it will last longer" she teased when she noticed me staring. i rolled my eyes and pulled her in closer to my side.

she turned her attention back to the sky and gasped "omg mattheo, look at the sky it's so pretty" i watched her eyes dart around the sky and her expression melt into pure awe. i didn't take my eyes off of her and murmured a quiet "the prettiest" because no matter how beautiful the stars look they will never compare to the stars in her eyes. and in that moment i realised i wanted this forever. i wanted her forever. i'm in love with y/n y/l/n.


the unmistakable smell of cinnamon surrounded me and took over my mind. the power this girl had over me was ridiculous and extremely dangerous. she was my biggest and only weakness.

i pulled my attention away from my book and towards a certain y/h/c (your hair colour). she had fallen asleep on my shoulder with a peaceful look on her face. her thick black framing her eyes rested against her soft skin. a ghost of a smile passed over my face before i caught myself. nobody has ever looked this peaceful in my company, let alone been comfortable enough to fall asleep on me, most people ran the other way when they saw me, but not y/n.

y/n trusted me. and this knowledge filled me with the need to protect her forever. i would happily watch the world burn down in flames if it meant i had her safe and by my side. i wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer. she was the only person i cared about, realisation hit me. i was in love with her. fuck.


her laugh filled the air and i caught myself smiling just from the sound. her laugh was the soundtrack to my life.

"come on chef nott, what's the next step" she teased. "watch it y/l/n" i chuckled before reaching for her and pulling her close to my chest. we both erupted into laughs before she turned and looked up at me her huge y/e/c (your eye colour) eyes staring into my soul. that was the thing about y/n i feel like i could show her every part of me even the damaged parts and she would never judge me. i pulled myself away from these thoughts before i got too distracted.

"right we need to cut the onions" i said before grabbing her hand and pulling her back to the kitchen side. i was teaching her how to make my mothers famous soup, the last time i made it was the day before she died, the smell of all the ingredients transported me back to my childhood kitchen where i would sit on the side watching her rush about making the soup. i hadn't planned to ever make it again but when y/n said she was craving soup i couldn't stop myself from telling her i had the perfect recipe.

we continued making the soup and when it was done i gave y/n the bowl to have the first taste. i held my breath waiting for her reaction, what if i made it wrong and didn't do the recipe any justice. all my worries stopped the second i saw the expression on her face. "omg theo this is incredible" one of the things i loved the most about y/n was that she wore her feelings all over her face, if she loved something you could tell. she pushed the bowl towards me to try some, and i realised then that being with y/n was the only time i felt peace since my mother had passed. and that i theodore nott was deeply in love with y/n y/l/n.


i watched with a stupid grin on my face as y/n pretended to jump when the little boy 'scared' her for the tenth time. his laugh filled the air when she grabbed him and started tickling him.

he ran off to pick her a flower and then brought it over. i couldn't hear their conversation but she said something and kissed him on the cheek causing him to turn bright red.

she smiled at him. her smile was my favourite thing in the world, if i could have one thing forever it would be her smiles. i loved everything about it, some people only smiled with their mouth but y/n smiled with her whole face, her eyes crinkled in the corner, her dimples appeared and she had a certain glow in her eyes.

as i watched them begin to play with something else, i thought about how much i loved seeing y/n around kids, and how i wanted her to be the mother of my children. i wanted her to be my future wife. i wanted her. forever.


"hey enz, i got your present, happy birthday!!!" y/n said as she bounded into my room like an excited puppy. i rubbed my eyes and looked over at the time. "y/n it's 7 in the morning" i protested, though i knew there was no point in arguing with y/n, what she wanted she got. "soooooo?" she replied dragging out the word. suddenly i remembered what she said when she first came in. "you remembered my birthday??" nobody had ever remembered my birthday. "duhhh, how could i ever forget my favourite person ever's birthday" she said in a matter of the fact way.

she pushed the present into my arms and i began to open it. it was a basket filled with all of my favourite things and other random things i have mentioned maybe once or twice without thinking. but y/n had remembered everything, every little thing about me. "thank you so much y/n, you have no idea how much this means to me" i said trying to express just how grateful i was, not just for the present, but for her.

her answering smile hit me right in the gut. "you deserve the world enzo". she then began to tell me about the plans she had made for us to celebrate, i listened but i couldn't help but get distracted by the way she lit up when she spoke about something she was excited about.

y/n was beautiful, but not just because of her looks. she was beautiful for the way she thought, she was beautiful for the sparkle in her eyes, she was beautiful for her ability to make everyone smile even if she was sad. she was beautiful deep down to her soul.

and i realised all these years i've been wrong, heaven isn't a place you go to when you die. it's inside the person that's worth dying for. and i would die for y/n.

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