CHAPTER 1: Advanced nurturing high school

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—-Ayanokoji kiyotaka—-

April, the school entrance ceremony, i rode the bus in the school, however because i got on pretty late there was no seat left so i had to stand, the people,most of them being young people in school uniforms that are the same as mine, are seemingly not getting up any time soon

i assume the next destination would the school i was going, in which case i would have to stand the entire way through. I decided to occupy my mind with the information i had been given before enrolling into the school in the meantime

However, my wander into the realm of information was promptly interrupted

"Excuse me, shouldn't you offer up your seat?"
I opened my eye to see an elderly lady standing next to a priority seat, which was occupied by a well built blonde young man

There was an younger lady near them as well, who appeared to be working an office job, and she's not satisfied by the behavior of the young man

Well that's none of my business i guess. I went back to wandering in my mind

A/N: Yes i am skipping the bus scene cuz nothing interesting happen there

If the information that man had given me was reliable, then there should also be another student that received similar instructions to me attending this school, however i can only speculate that far with this information, I couldn't pinpoint the details like how much information about me was given to said student,or on what basis we are going to compete

If i think back there seems to be a conversation between that man and someone else on a topic similar to this.
Although i could only hear the conversation faintly, I remembered that the other person said I was supposed to compete with his son

And he also proposed Neutral ground competition, which means neither me or the other student will have information on each other

But that could very well be a lie, even so there's not much i can do about it, so i suppose thinking about this now won't do me any favor. I will just have to find out later on

I heard the sound of the bus stopping, when i looked outside it parked in front of a school and the people in student uniform begin getting down from the bus

Well, i suppose this is my school now.

A/N: because kiyo was completely in his thoughts he didn't look at horikita therefore no "wait" scene

I walked into the school, looking for my class.

♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕚𝕖 𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥 𝕙𝕦𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕤 ♤ ♡ ♢ ♧

——-Kaji takaomi—-

I was walking around the school while going to my class

Someone poked me, then i turned to look at the person.

It was a student

He had beautiful white hair

"What do you want?"I asked, wondering what he poked me for

"Do you want to bet on how much allowance we will be getting?" He responded

"Allowance?" I asked

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