Last Christmas

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A/N: Sirius' reaction to the last chapter has been requested, so here you go <3


Sirius lay awake in his own bedroom, the same one he'd had since the summer. Euphemia Potter seemed to have a room for everyone in her home. She'd basically had one with Sirius' name on it since he had told James about his parents, and he was forever grateful that she did. He now had a home, instead of just a house. He now had a family, instead of just faces. He now had love, instead of just hatred. The Potters loved him, and Regulus, too. He owed them his life for getting both himself and his brother out of their horrible house, but him just being there and being a part of their family seemed to be enough.

The Potters loved everyone, it seemed. They were a family overflowing with care and love and joy... enough to make up the lack of it in Sirius' house and so much more. If the Potters gave their love to the entire world, there would be more than enough for everyone to live happily and loved for the rest of their lives. And they did what they could... Of course, they couldn't give their love to the whole world. But sharing it with anyone they met was already more than most people did.

Sirius was so glad he'd met James, way back in first year. He didn't know what he'd done to deserve someone like James. He was an angel on earth, while Sirius might as well have been a devil sent up from hell, raised in and used to an environment of hatred and fire. James brought out the better part in Sirius, and Regulus, too. He'd seen through their demonic, cruel family, and had found the boys in need of help behind their tough Black armor. He'd shown them love and kindness. He'd opened his doors for them when they'd needed it the most. He'd gotten them out of their hell of a house and probably the closest to heaven they would ever get. And for that, Sirius would be eternally grateful.

Speaking of James...

Sirius sat up in his bed, considering going into James' room. He'd done that a lot when he and Regulus had first gotten to the Potters' home. He took comfort in just being there with James, and James' door was always open for him. Sirius knew that, as long as they lived, it always would be. He didn't expect tonight to be any different.

So, he lifted himself from the bed and walked out of his room. His room was the last one in the hallway. Regulus' was across from his, and James' was right next door. Past that was the living room. Sirius walked towards James' door, pushing it open gently. He expected to see James curled up in his bed, hair disheveled and brown skin glowing in the moonlight from the window.

Not only did James act like an angel, he looked like one too. Even Sirius had to admit that.

His eyes landed on James' bed.

Except... James wasn't there. His room was empty.

That wasn't normal.

Sirius assumed he was in the bathroom or something, because why else wouldn't he be in here? He sat on James' bed and waited.

Minutes passed. It was shortly after 2 A.M. on Christmas morning. What the hell was taking James so long? He couldn't have been in the bathroom... not for this long. What was he doing? Sitting on the fucking roof and waiting for Santa Claus? That sounded like something the idiot would do. Just as Sirius was about to go check, he heard footsteps coming down the hall. He retreated back to James' bed, fearing it was Euphemia checking to see if everyone was asleep.

It wasn't Euphemia. It was James.

He appeared in the doorway, moonlight reflecting off of his glasses. He took about three seconds to find the bookshelf by the door, grab something, and then leave. He didn't even look in Sirius' direction. He hadn't even noticed that there was someone else in his room. Sure, it might've been too dark to tell, but still. This idiot really does need better glasses, Sirius thought, annoyed, as James disappeared out of the doorway again.

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