☪︎ Chapter Eleven

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☾ Chapter Eleven: Vivian('s POV).

Published: March 1st, 2024

Status: Unedited

Five Years Ago

"Viv!" The sing-song melody of Allison's voice rang through my ears as I acknowledged my features in the mirror.

Dark brown ringlets spilled well past my shoulders and to my waist, luckily hiding the embarrassing tan lines I got last week by the pool.

The summertime had graced my light cocoa skin with a soft tan, making the pearlescent white of my dress pop against my skin. My gaze slowly traveled upwards to take in my dark brown eyes, which to me felt like the most unremarkable part of my physical features, much to my moms dismay.

Easy for her to say when she had the most gorgeous green eyes.

A nervous sigh tumbled past my lips as I wiped my hands against my dress. Excitement and anxiety held me hostage, I couldn't believe the day had finally come. At eighteen I was finally going to do it, today was the day I'd become Alpha.

"Wow, look at you Viv. You look beautiful." Allison had crept up behind me, three lone roses in one hand and my favorite chocolates in the other. I smiled.

"Really? I've hardly seen my mom today, she's been so busy helping get the coronation together. I haven't really had much of a second opinion."

"Are you kidding? You look perfect. You were made for this role, and you'll have help every step of the way." At this point she had walked up to my side, giving me a big side hug before handing me the roses and chocolate. She quickly patted down her white dress, the fabric riddled with daises.

"Also I gave myself the nastiest paper cut early, I thought I was going to pass out from the blood loss! Look," She showed me the cut on her pointer finger, which was in fact still gushing blood, as I rolled my eyes. She had always been squeamish when it came to blood.

"You're such a drama queen, there's some bandaids in the drawer over by the front door." I tore my attention away from her and down to the gifts in my hand.

"Thank you Alli, you really didn't have to get me anything." Wrapped around the three roses was a small sticky note reading, 'to my best friend, who I'll love until forever'.

"I wanted to. Well, I just wanted to drop in to say hi and sneak a peak before the ceremony. I'm going to look for your mom and see if she needs help." She had officially wrapped herself up with a bandaid, giving me a quick hug as her goodbye. Just as she turned on her foot to leave, I stopped her with a quick tug at her wrist.

"Wait! Have you seen Kai or Lana?" While Allison was my best friend, Lana had been my oldest one. We weren't as completely inseparable as we used to be, but we were still close, and I wanted to make sure I saw her for my special day. As for Kai, my boyfriend was always late to every possible event. I wanted my coronation to be the one time he showed some punctuality.

A frown settled into her features. "I think I saw Lana earlier, she said she was going to help your dad with paperwork in his office. Kai, I haven't seen him since yesterday." I tried not to let it show but I quickly started wringing my fingers, the nervousness of today already getting to me without the additional stress.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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