☪︎ Chapter Two

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☪︎ Chapter Two: Vivian('s POV).

Published: January 1st, 2019

Status: Unedited


   "Vivian please, come back home, come back to me. You know I would never ask for this. This wasn't me you know me." My head is spinning, my hands are shaking. The blood falling from his mouth onto his white t-shirt is too much. The walls are closing in, I can't breathe, he's reaching out to me now. Run. I can't. His words are too big for my head, I can't deal with this, everything is coming back. His grip is too tight and there's no air. My other halves retreating into herself, she wants to shift. Run. I can't.

   "Viv, if I don't hear you up in ten minutes I'm walking in there with a bucket of ice water and I'm dragging you outside. We're gonna be late to escort the Alpha and Beta!"

   My eyes peel open and moonlight pours into my room, soothing me and creating a soft glow on my skin. My hand was wrapped around my neck, trying to soothe the choking I felt moments before. It's a dream, I'm safe.

   We're safe.

   "I'm already up!" I let my head fall back onto the pillow, promising myself I'd get up in five minutes. Sure, that's only five minutes to take a shower, and get dressed, and do my hair.. and brush my teeth.

   My eyes hesitantly shift to the clock at my bedside.


   With a loud groan I get out of bed, lazily moping over to the bathroom. I made sure to lock the door. Jack has no shame and would walk in and drag me out of the shower if I'm not ready. Which is why I didn't waste time jumping in.

   After drying off quickly, I walk into my closet, throwing on black leggings and an equally dark graphic tee.

   Braiding my hair back was the quickest step in my morning, and after brushing my teeth and throwing my shoes on I was walking out of my door just as Jack was about to walk in.

   "Your lack of trust in my ability to get myself ready is hurtful, Jack." I give a fake pout then smirk as I shut my door and we walk downstairs.

   "Please, I know your áss and like always you're ready last minute. Hold on before we leave, I need to grab something." Jack turns around and I follow him to the kitchen as he goes into the cupboards and-. What is he doing?

   "Jack we don't have time for Pop Tarts, are you serious right now?!" My voice was hushed as I whisper yell at him, but he only smiles in response.

   "Too late, muah." He sends an air kiss my way while shoving half a Pop Tart in his mouth and I grimace.

   "You're truly disgusting, you have crumbs all over you! Come on, we're gonna be late and if we are I'm letting Alpha Akila ream right into your snarky little a-."

   "Excuse me for interrupting, but you're leaving to retrieve the Alpha, right?" Jack and I immediately look at the stairs to see the Gamma, Eric I believe, looking down at us with a raised brow.

   Jack tries straightening up and nonchalantly wiping the crumbs off his face, obviously trying not to further embarrass himself.

   "Yes, we're leaving right now actually, after-. Jack what the bloody hell are you doing?!" He was caught trying to silently rub off the jam from the Pop Tart on the back of my shirt and I glare.

  "When we're alone, your áss is mine and I'm wringing it!" He smiles mockingly at my mind link and I knew he doubted my words.

   "Please excuse him, he's a damn fool." I apologize while sending Jack a pointed look and he smiles throwing an arm over my shoulder while I look at Eric.

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