☪︎ Chapter Eight

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☪︎ Chapter Eight: Vivian('s POV).

Published: March 4th, 2019

Status: Unedited


   "... That's how I knew, I hated broccoli. Oh, Vivian, are you sure you're okay?" Kya frowns as she sets my plate of food in front of me as I rub at the two sets of prominent bite marks on my collarbone, opposite to where Nikolai's mark would lay.

   "Yeah, of course. I'm sorry for being so spacy, Kya." I try to ignore the throbbing that signifies my position as Luna, this packs guardian.

   As Nikolai had promised, my initiation into the pack followed suit after Tyler and Amelia took care of Kathryn last night. It was a small private ceremony between Nikolai and I, and it couldn't have been anymore perfect if it weren't for the overwhelming guilt I was feeling. In my gut I knew I already belonged to a pack, and it felt so wrong knowing I wasn't with them.

   Kya gives me an unsure glance before she finally sits beside me. "So, I've been dying to tell you since this morning but.. today's a really special day." She bites down on her lip as if she couldn't hold it in then finally clasps her hands together tightly with a face splitting smile.

   "You're meeting your protector today! Oh he's so lovely Vivian, you're going to absolutely adore him, he's just the sweetest thing you've ever met and he's so excited to meet you! When Alpha Nikolai had Angelo spill to the Ranks that he'd met you, Hansel was absolutely ecstatic! Oh you're going to love him Vivian," The words spill out of her as she gushes endlessly with rosy cheeks and a fond smile.

   "If I didn't know any better I'd say you have a small crush, Ky." I couldn't hide the smirk playing on my lips as I took a small bite of my pancakes watching her visibly pale.

   "W-What?! Vivian, I- how could you say such a thing? Of course I don't have a crush on him! I mean we, we hardly even talk, I mean before we both found out about you. Well, I mean- We talk more now because we both care for- actually it doesn't matter, he's mated." Her cheeks were scarlet as she quickly angles her body away from me and towards her awaiting plate.

   She absentmindedly moves her food around with a scoff, "Me.. have a crush on Hansel. What a joke," She mumbles to herself then puts a fork full of pancakes in her mouth.

   "So when do I get to meet this oh so mysterious Hansel everyone's been talking about?" She perks slightly.

   "Well, I think Alpha had some new alliance paperwork to sort through with your old pack, so Angelo's been helping him with that. But I'm pretty sure he'll bring Hansel once he's done with the paperwork." The sound of the front door opening and shutting echoes throughout the pack house, footsteps following suit.

   "Kya? Is Vivian with you?" I glance over my shoulder to see my mate absentmindedly glancing down at papers in his hand until he looks up, smiling immediately after seeing me.

   "How're you doing, love? Kya taking care of you?" He makes his way towards me to place a chaste kiss to my cheek while Kya awaits my answer.

   "She's been lovely, she takes a lot of pride in the responsibility you've given her." I could see Kya beaming from the corner of my eye, which Nikolai quickly caught onto with a smirk.

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