Chapter-3:Outside the arena

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Chen Jin Yang looked at her friend in amusement; she could almost feel the annoyance rumbling through the smaller girl and it was entertaining her immensely.

(She was fully aware that her little mei-mei was still irritated by losing the water bottle and her unexpected encounter with Lu Si Cheng in the elevator.)


“Yao-Yao, you can’t help the fact that you are on…” Jin-Yang stopped herself from saying the word but couldn’t stop the smile from breaking free.

Tong Yao yowled lowly over the phone at her friend, sounding very much like her cat, Da Bing for a moment. “It’s not that funny, Chen Jin-Yang, I can’t help being small and I was able to speak normally to him the last time I met him.”

“Tong Yao, the last, and may I point out the first time you met him in person, your cousin was there, you were covered in bandages and loopy from pain medication. You didn’t know who you were talking to!”

She then raised an elegant eyebrow at her (which even on the small screen had an impact. “And may I just remind you, you are currently hiding from said aforementioned cousin. Remember!”

Tong Yao scowled slightly. “Yes, I remember, yes I know it was my decision!!! Yes, yes, yes!! Good night, Jin-er, I’ll see you at the arena tomorrow.”

The call ended on Chen Jin-Yang’s laughter.

End Flashback

As much as she may complain that OPL was stealing her best friend and boyfriend from her, (and she did seriously believe that – every now and then), Chen Jin-Yang was still extremely proud of them both.

They had both fought in their own ways to make it to where they now were in life – the latter against his mother’s disapproval and the former, well, if she started listing what Yao-er had been through in the last year and a half to get to where she was now, it would take her a while.

And now these two, little boys for lack of better words, doubting Tong Yao’s hard-earned ranking of Overlord of Kyoto, let alone a girl’s general ability to even recognise the individual characters or even play OPL in general – oh that just lit a fire under the little Mulan.

She pulled Tong Yao back slightly, murmuring “Tong Yao, not the place” in a low voice – completely ignoring her own actions.

Scowling slightly, Tong Yao merely pulled out her phone and went to her WeChat app, scrolling down to pull her cousin’s name. She then swiftly typed her usual message prior to a match “Fight well brother, remember you always make us proud – NO MATTER WHAT. I’ll be watching.”

Her phone dinged back almost immediately: "I know…

It dinged a second time. “… and thank you always."

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