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Tong Yao scowled – she had not missed the smug look that her ex had thrown her way at the completion of the second round and internally she kicked herself. She had actually forgotten that when made angry, he suddenly found the ability to be concentratedly spiteful and more focused on whatever he was doing.

And that even smugger look now that CK Gaming had won the Spring Tournament!!!

“I really think I hate him right now!” However softly she said it though, she was heard (and happily only by the right person!) Beside her, Jin-Yang reached out to grab the small hand that had suddenly clenched into a fist and forced it to relax.


She closed her eyes in response and nodded slightly, taking a deep breath to calm down. “I’m alright, I promise.” She opened her eyes to look where ZGDX were clearing away their things. “They have to be feeling so hurt right now. I’m sure this is not how they wanted things to end.”

There was nothing that the elder girl could say in response to that, so she just squeezed her friend’s hand in silent comfort. Rising, she pulled the smaller girl up with her, saying, “Let’s go…” just in time for the lights to dim slightly and a spotlight to shine upon the man standing in the middle of the arena.

It was Yu Ming.

Without a word, they exchanged a speaking look before both they and the other departing ZGDX fans sat back down in their seats.

“Today, I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to everyone, especially the ZGDX fans who follow us so faithfully,” Yu Ming gave a rueful half-smile, “A few years ago when I was as young as most of you, I decided to become a pro-gamer. In those days, gaming was considered a waste of time that distracted the younger generation from their education, a hobby that had no future and like many, my direct family thought the same. With doubting looks, they would ask “What is e-sports? Is there a future in E-sports?””

Ming shook his head slightly then continued “At the time I didn’t know how to answer, especially as I had seen those exact same looks directed at my younger cousin when she had decided to do something they had deemed unfilial. But…” He looked up at one the screens as if directing his gaze to someone he believed watching, “Her determination to stand up those judgemental looks for her dream made me realise that this was my dream, and I was not going to back down either.”

“Professional gaming had a future; I knew this deep in my heart then and even more so now.” He stood slightly taller. “So, I left without a word except to that determined cousin of mine, tired of the arguments with my parents and got on a train for Shenzhen and joined ZGDX.”

“And along with Chessman, Lao Mao, Lao K and Xiao Pang, we have fought hard, been knocked down and got back up again but more importantly, they and I, found our places and directions in life.”

He took in another deep breath, “But today it has become clear that I need to put down my original dream. The loss of the Spring Tournament has been a reality check and a strong kick to the head I need to stop being so stubborn and make way for fresh blood to prosper.”

“And now, although I haven’t been able to, I know that this dream of mine has not died. There will always be someone who will stand on this competition platform in my place, and willingly continue on this road with my dream.”

He looked up into the audience, unknowingly in the right direction. “And I hope this person, can make her decision to take up this dream soon.”

“Just as I hope that one day, when ZGDX wins that trophy, I’m still here, even if it’s not how I originally envisioned it.”

He looked around the auditorium at the fans. “And that you will also still be here.”

Lowering the microphone for a moment, he took a deep breath and then continued. “Right now, I, Yu Ming, ZGDX member, announce that I will officially retire after this Spring Final.”

He bowed then as silence; total silence fell across the arena.

From her seat, tears rolling down her cheeks, Tong Yao freed herself from Chen Jin-Yang (who had never let go after sitting back down earlier) and pulled out her phone. Within seconds, as the cries of support for Yu Ming began to ring out around the arena, she had pulled up Xiao Rui’s name and typed: ‘I accept your offer to join ZGDX.’

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