Chapter-7:Step Closer

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At the top of the staircase where he had been an unwitting listener to the conversation between Jian Yang and the unknown Tong Yao, Lu Si Cheng stuck his lollipop back in his cheek and began to move down, a thoughtful look in his dark eyes. This was not what he had been expecting when he chose to take this route to the team bus.

The moment that he had realised that the girl talking to CK Gaming's Sunflower was also the same girl from the lobby, the store and the lift resonated in a way he had never known before.

Added to that, her deliberate references to parts of Yu Ming's speech stuck out in his mind, as did the fact that somehow, he had met or seen her before (and long before he had seen her on those three separate occasions the day before) grew even stronger.

And her pointed remark that the person who had taught her being down on the stage...

"What the... Cheng-ge!" Jian Yang's startled voice broke his contemplation.

"Sunflower." The AD responded in that typical dry fashion of his. "Didn't expect to see you here."

"What are you doing here?"

"Eating candy, why else?" He waved the lollipop in the air in that laid-back style he was known for.

"I take it from that conversation, you and our new Mid know each other."

"You heard all that." The slight embarrassed tone in the other man's voice was clear. "And yes."

"A little hard to miss with it being so loud. Stairwell's echo really well." He put the stick back in his mouth, moving it from side to side in quite consideration as he nodded slightly to himself. "This is interesting."

Jian Yang gave him a questioning look.

"Our..." He deliberately emphasized it, nodding in the direction Tong Yao had just departed. "Team's new signing is interesting and clearly already thinks like one of us."

He nodded his head.

"Short, feisty and most definitely interesting."

He gestured casually at the Jungler and began to walk out of the stairwell but stopped. "Just one thing more, didn't really appreciate the slights against ZGDX. Just remember that."

He continued out of the doors. Behind him, the sound of the bin being kicked again was quite clear and a small smirk crossed his face, one the other members of ZGDX were very familiar with and knew to be wary of.

Half an hour later, Lu Si Cheng opened the door of the suite that had been set aside for ZGDX to find it in chaos and as per usual Xiao Pang was at the centre of it.

'What now!' was his first thought.

"Look, someone found out the name of the two girls that caused Sunflower's strange behaviour earlier..."

The excitement in the Support's voice was clear. "And they are famous!"

"And..." K asked laconically, looking up from the game he was playing on his phone. "Why are they famous?"

"It's Yu Te Yi, you know, the recently retired Olympic and World champion rhythmic gymnast and Chen Jin-Yang, one of the heirs to the Chen Group."

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