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Hi guys!

I am back! But this time with a Mahabharat fiction. I have had this idea in my head for about a year but I was not sure about it.

But, it is now or never. I do not want to regret not having worked on something I love so dearly...so here I am!

Things to note:-

1) This story is a complete work of fiction. I do not intend to hurt anyone's religious beliefs.

2) This is an original story so any similarities to any other story is completely coincidental. I apologise for that in advance.

3) Songs and lines of songs may be used. In case it is, credits to the respective artist.

4) If I provide any wrong fact, it is by mistake. Feel free to correct me. Constructive criticism is always allowed.

Before I move on I wanted to mention a particular person who has been my biggest supporter and inspiration.


I was having second thoughts about writing this book but she did not let me give up. She also writes mahabharat fiction so before proceeding further with this book, check out hers. She is amazing!

And with that, welcome to this journey. Hope we can enjoy it together.

Jai shree krishna.


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