Chapter 3:

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"Hey, Aidan?"


"Thank you, for tutoring me, I know I was probably the most annoying. Following you around like a lost puppy," Orlando said.

Aidan couldn't help but crack a small smile, that's exactly what Orlando was. A lost puppy.

"It's no problem, at the end of the day we both were awkward shitheads. So, it made sense we stuck together. Even though I did want to be left alone."

"Sorry about that."

"It's fine Orlando, it was a bit less lonely after my grandpa passed, so I appreciate you," Aidan said. He wasn't good with expressing his gratitude, but he figured he would never see Orlando again, might as well thank him.

"I am glad, I was able to help even if it was a tiny bit," Orlando said.

Aidan nodded his head and took in his surroundings. He was surprised that Justin had such a nice house, no doubt his parents had money. He was focused on the things around him, he didn't notice Orlando scooting closer to him. It wasn't until Orlando's hands brushed against Aidan's that Aidan turned to look at Orlando.

He could see a blush dusting Orlando's cheek, and Orlando started to fidget in his seat.

"You, okay?"

"I need to tell you something... promise you won't be weirded out?"

"Uh, I promise. It's kinda hard to weird me out though."

Orlando cracked a small smile before taking both of Aidan's hands. Orlando took a deep breath before pouring his entire heart out to Aidan, which left Aidan completely speechless.

"Aidan, I know I was annoying and always clinging to you. I know I am super weird, but over the past two years, I kept my feelings a secret. I like you a lot. I have for so long, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship. Please, don't let this change anything. Please, give me a chance. I promise you won't regret it," Orlando had his eyes squeezed shut, waiting for Aidan's answer.

Aidan was speechless, wasn't weirded out, but definitely shocked. He shook his head, snapping out of his thoughts, and moved his hands from Orlando's which caused Orlando to open his eyes.


"Sorry, but I can't return your feelings."

"What? Why?" He asked shocked, and Aidan moved away.

"I am not looking to date right now."

"Please, just once chance. Give it a month, if you still don't like it, then we can break up. But please, one chance is all I ask for."

"Orlando, I am sorry I can~" Aidan was cut off by Orlando's lips on top of his own. His eyes widened, not expecting Orlando to go as far as he did. Aidan tried to part from the kiss, but Orlando tangled his fingers into Aidan's hair and deepened the kiss. Aidan squeezed his eyes shut, before punching Orlando in the stomach.

That action caused Orlando to grunt in pain, breaking the kiss. He leaned forward holding his stomach.

"What was that for?"

"Do you kiss everyone that rejects you? I told you I wasn't interested," Aidan glared at Orlando. Orlando was never on the receiving end of Aidan's glare, and he didn't like it.

"I am sorry, I thought I could change your mind if you felt how nice it was to kiss someone."

"That's not how rejection works. If I say I am not interested, it means that. It doesn't mean you kiss me, dumbass."

Aidan quickly got up and started to walk away but Orlando rushed and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Wait, don't leave. I am sorry, don't hate me. It won't ever happen again."

"I know it won't, now let go, I am leaving."

Aidan shoved Orlando's arms off of him and shot him with a glare.

"If you come near me again, I will report you."

"Aidan, I am sorry. Please, forgive me. It won't happen again; I swear on my life."

"Whatever, just leave me alone."

Aidan continued to walk away from Orlando, who was completely heartbroken by the rejection of the love of his life. He chewed on his thumb, partially regretting his actions. Suddenly, he touched his lips, and a small smile broke free.

"His lips are so soft. I wanna kiss them again."

Aidan left the party without anyone noticing, he was angry, pissed even. Sure his first kiss meant nothing to him, but who in their right mind would kiss someone after a rejection?

Aidan shook his head and made sure he still had the gun on him, before officially leaving the party. Last thing he wanted was to leave a dangerous weapon in a house full of drunk teens and young adults.

He pulled out his phone and realized that time had passed by so late already. It was already midnight, and he honestly didn't even know that it was that late. How long was he standing in that corner? How long has he spent his time with Orlando? He didn't know it was all blur, the smoke was getting to his head before he even went outside.

Aidan made it to his house safely and went to unlock his door. He froze mid-step because something was off. His apartment door was unlocked, he pushed the door open and walked in quietly. He looked around his apartment first, before hearing some shuffling happening in his room. He laid his backpack near the door and stealthily moved towards the bedroom door. He grabbed the baseball bat, which he kept there for emergencies and leaned his ear against the door.

"You know, he will probably call the cops on us if he catches us."

"We will leave soon; I just want to see if I can find any information that we can use to recruit him."

"How did you find out where he lived?"

"I had someone look up information about him, with the vague details I had. Turns out he is super smart and plastered all over the news."

Those voices, they found me that fast?

Aidan slammed his door open, making his presence known to the other two. He leaned against the doorway, having a stare-down with the two who broke into his home.

"Oh, hi. How are you?" Thomas asked with an innocent smile.

"What the fuck are you doing in my home? Get out."




Aidan pulled his phone out and started to dial 911.

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