Chapter 16:

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The boss played the evidence on the screen behind him, and all of Luka's information was there. The fact that he was a spy, his full name, age, and the department that he worked for. Everyone turned their gazes to him, and he started to back away but ran into someone.

"You are so dead," Jason said. Everyone jumped Luka, before it could get too bad the Boss broke it up.

"We have to leave now, but we are taking Luka with us. Ian, contact /him/ we have to leave now," the boss said. Ian nodded, grabbed his phone, and called the guy who was able to help them out of this situation.

"You guys handle him downstairs, Thomas, AJ you both stay, you too Ian when you are done."

Ian nodded his head slightly and stayed on the phone. The only thing that AJ was able to understand was that they needed a plane since the FBI knew of them.

"Alright, he will be ready in fifteen minutes," Ian said. Thomas sent the information to everyone's phone and AJ sat on the floor with his legs crossed.

"So what now?" AJ asked confused since he didn't know the protocol for these things.

"We are traveling to Japan, I hope your high school degree extends there," the boss said.

"Yep, I had several colleges in different countries that wanted me."

"Okay, good. We will be leaving as soon as he is ready. Just because if the FBI already had our information, god knows when they will be coming to this place."

"I think Luka had a tracking device on him, but I deactivated it, destroying it. I made sure everything about us was deleted. Of course, if we leave Luka here, he can easily provide that information again," AJ said.

"This is where I needed the three of you. I want you to kill him, and dispose of him so no one can find him."

"AJ, this isn't your first kill but if you want to leave it to these two, I understand."

"I will be fine."

"Are you sure AJ, we can help or handle it?" Thomas said, but AJ shook his head.

"It's fine, plus is that not my role? The assassin?" AJ asked. Thomas nodded his head as he watched AJ walk out of the office. Ian and Thomas looked at each other before closing the door behind him.

"He reminds me too much of his grandfather, it's quite frightening," the boss said. Ian tilted his head and looked over at their boss confused.


"AJ has assassination in his blood, each assassin will say the same thing. Emotions will just get in the way of their job. I tried to get his grandfather to join us, but he refused to create bonds and relationships with other people. Luckily, AJ created a relationship with you two. Or else he might have followed in his granddad's footsteps."

"So I am getting that you want to make sure he remains human and in touch with his emotions," Thomas said.

"Exactly, or else he will live a very lonely life, even if he has us as a family," the boss said.

"I don't think we have to worry. Sure he can be a bit cold, but I don't think we have to worry about him too much," Ian said. The boss nodded his head slightly, knowing that Ian and Thomas knew AJ better than him.

"Okay, now go. Make sure to get rid of the body accordingly."

Ian and Thomas nodded their heads slightly and began to make their way out of the office. They closed the door behind them, only to see AJ standing there with his arms crossed. They jumped slightly thinking he had already gone to Luka.

"Oh, you are still here..."

"Yeah, you know he isn't wrong about my grandfather. That old man was brutal with my training," AJ said, shaking his head slightly.

"Just how brutal?" Ian asked and AJ looked at his older friend.

"He would attack me in my sleep just to make sure I was always on my guard. I can lift a 300 IB man over my head, at the age of 11 years old. You tell me!"

"Why!?" Thomas asked and AJ shrugged his shoulders.

"Anyway, we gotta take care of Luka," AJ said.

"Already done..." AJ said and they both stared at him.


"Yes, his body is in the basement cause I don't know where you guys take bodies. That's one thing my granddad did not teach me. It's a lot less messy than last time too."

"Should we be concerned you did this without a hint of concern?"

"No, it's only natural. My grandfather taught me most things before he died. So it's natural that I can kill without thinking about it."

"Ian, I think we need to make sure he remembers he is still a kid."

"Who is also an assassin, who was raised by the world's greatest assassin," AJ corrected and Thomas just stared at him. AJ shrugged his shoulders and looked off to the side and Ian began to laugh slightly.

"Things are going to be interesting," Ian said. Thomas looked at him and shook his head slightly.

"For you maybe..."

"Not my fault, you have a mother-like personality."

"Will you guys come on before the body starts decaying?" AJ asked, rolling his eyes, and Thomas looked at him.

"It typically takes a few years for it to completely decay."

"Yes, but human decomposition begins around four minutes after a person dies and follows four stages: autolysis, bloat, active decay, and skeletonization."

".... I forgot you would know that," Thomas said. AJ shrugged his shoulders with a small grin.

"I can tutor you on it."

"Nope, no need. You can keep that to yourself. There's no need for me to find out how a person decomposes."

"Suit yourself, it's pretty cool."

"What is wrong with you!?" Ian asked and AJ shrugged his shoulders yet again.

"There's a lot of things we don't talk about," AJ said.

"Smartass," Ian mumbled. He walked to the basement and saw the body lying there. It was a clean kill, with no mess besides what spilled out while they were upstairs. A lot less messy.

"Wow, you weren't wrong. How did you... do I want to know?" Thomas asked and AJ shook his head slightly. AJ sat back and watched as the two took the body, and he followed so he would know how to properly dispose of a dead body. Not that he would need to unless he was to kill another member.

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