Chapter 11:

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Orlando and Aidan were still having their stare-down while Ian and Thomas were trying to figure out what to do. Ian saw a few people from Orlando's gang moving in. Thomas was staring at Aidan, wondering if he should step in. The moment he took a step, Aidan shot him a glance. He waved Thomas away before discreetly pointing to behind the house.

"I may or may not have it in me to kill. It all depends, if you ruin my home, I may have to. Considering that my grandfather gave me this place.

"Is that so? Then just come along, and we can avoid a bloodbath. I know those two damn Royal Bastions are here. So might as well send them off and come with me. Or we can easily kill them."

"You are talking a lot for a person who has yet to make a move to attack me," Aidan said, still discreetly pointing to the back of the house.

Thomas followed his finger and realized he had told him to go behind the house. Thomas shared a look with Ian before running towards the back of the house. Ian watched before quietly moving up the tree. He would have better leverage if he was up higher and could shoot people without being seen.

"Aren't you doing the same? Perhaps stalling? To get the other two away?"

"Me stalling? I am offended you would think that," Aidan said.

Suddenly, a yell was heard, and Orlando turned towards the house. Aidan used this chance to run toward Orlando and kicked him. Orlando stumbled backward, holding his stomach, slight surprise on his face. Orlando had a hard time believing that his little Aidan was being so cold and violent towards him.

Aidan took advantage of this and swung his fist, hitting him in the face. Orlando groaned but grabbed Aidan by the waist and pulled him closer. Aidan used his bow and hit Orlando hard; Orlando kept a tight hold on Aidan despite grunting from the impact of Aidan's blow to his stomach.

A shot was heard, and Aidan knew it was Ian. Orlando had no choice but to let Aidan go. Aidan got away from Orlando, before looking up at Ian.

"Thanks!" Aidan yelled. He saw another man running towards Orlando. Aidan picked up a rock and threw it hard at the guy's head.

"Aidan, I don't want to hurt you. So, please don't make me," Orlando's voice was desperate.

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but that may be the only way to get me to come with you. Even then, you may have to kill me," Aidan stated frankly.

Orlando groaned since he knew Aidan was right, so he jumped towards Aidan, swinging his knife down. Aidan grabbed his wrist and spun him around, slamming him into the tree. Unfortunately, one of Orlando's men got past Ian and threw Aidan to the ground.

"Don't hurt him too much, Sam, but handle him for me," Orlando said.

"No problem," Orlando jumped back, and Sam glared at Aidan.

"I knew there was a reason why I hated you," Sam said.

"Yeah, well the feelings are mutual. I never asked for your boss's attention. I wish he would choose someone else."

"You are lucky he doesn't want you dead. Though I am sure he has plans to kill one of your friends. What was his name? Thomas?" Aidan shot Sam a glare and kicked him off. Aidan scrambled to his feet, confused.

"What?" Aidan dodged an attack, but his back hit a tree. Sam used this chance to punch Aidan in the gut, which caused him to cough. He hovered over slightly as Sam continued to taunt him.

"He hacked into your system, while one guy had your entire focus, there was another that activated the code to the electric wires that you had hidden under the ground."

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