Chapter 9

4 1 2

Tuesday of the next week. Day 1. Math.

I was in math class trying to listen to the teacher and trying to answer questions so that I wasn't suspicious.

"Okay," Mr. Cullard said, "So if we prove 1 = 2, let's say... r = s. Does anyone remember what we do first?"

I raise my hand, and before he called on me, I was already answering his question. "Multiply by r. r² = rs."

"Right," Cullard replied, smiling at me. "And now what? Angie?"

"Just let Georgia do all of it. She's good at it, anyways," Angie said.

She was right. I was good at it. So I went ahead. "r² - s²-"

Kevin entered the class, slamming the classroom door open. My life flashed before my eyes, and just seeing his rage and anger scared me.

He pointed at me. "You idiot!"

I tried tk help ease my anxiety with comedy. "Hey, at least I know more math than you!"

"I know more math than you." He replied. I couldn't tell if he was playing along or was ready for a fight. "Are you kidding?"

I stood up. "What's the difference, Tyler? Your mom mightve raised a talented animator, and you still can't find a voice actor for Len and Abby!"

He walked up to me, flames in his red, boiling hot eyes. He was furious. Maybe I pulled the wrong move. He swung me around to the wall and slammed me against the wood, leaving a bruise on my back. My ears started ringing again.

I could hear Mr. Cullard try and stop Kevin. "Hey! Tyler, stop!"

My ears kept ringing, and I could barely make out what Kevin said next.

I tried to call for help, but I couldn't. "I-I can't...feel my... boo...ddd...yyyy..." was all I was able to say before my vision completely went black.

The next thing I knew, I was waking up in a hospital bed. I slowly opened my eyes and stuttered. "Wh-What happened to me?"

"Georgia!" I heard Lisa yell. "Thank God you're awake."

"How long have I been out?" I asked, scratching my head that still felt numb and empty.

"3 months."

I chuckled, "Triangles have 3 sides. Nice."

"Nurse!" Lisa called out. "She's awake! She's..."

My memory stopped by that point. I couldn't remember much from the hospital. A few weeks later, though, I knocked on Kevin's front door, wishing for forgiveness so that maybe I could stay and Connecticut and watch my friend graduate.

Bianca opened the door, looking relieved and thankful I was standing there. "Elli, thank God you're alive. Tyler, c'mere!"

I could hear his masculine voice from afar, talking back. "Hold on, I'm busy! He had yelled.

"I said c'mere!" Bianca shouted, "Now!"

I heard Kevin groan before walking down the stairs. Why was he upstairs if his room was downstairs?

"What?" he asked before seeing me. He glared at me as if he was hoping I'd be dead.

"Tell Elli that you're sorry." Biana demanded firmly.

He groaned again, "Do I have to?"

I butted in, saying, "He doesn't have to. I just came here to tell him the truth about something."

"What, that you're an idiotic try hard who stalks people and their mama?!"

"Tyler, be nice!"

"Shut up, Mom," he said. It's like he had a whole different personality now. "You're not apart of this."

"Tyler, I-"

"I had a choice," I interrupted Bianca and faced Kevin. " come here. I was asked where I wanted to move to. I said Connecticut. It wasn't a coincidence. I'm going back to SC now. Bye." I turned to Bianca. "Go easy on him, okay?"

I turned away and left. Last time I'd see his beautiful Mom in person.

I could hear him backtalk before I got too far.

"Ugh, finally," he scoffed, "I thought she'd never leave."

Bianca glared at him angrily.

"What?" he asked, innocently, as if the spirit that had controlled him the entire time I was here had left him. Like he blacked out for 4 months.

Weeks later, I was back at my own school back in SC. Everything was normal again. Even Kevin and I were back to normal online.

"Bye, Faith!" I exclaimed, "See ya in ckass!" I smiled and opened my phone when I felt it buzz.

+tallguy69420: Mr Krabs, why did you steal my boot?

+Elbee buzzzzzzzzz: 'cause...I miss you :,)

+tallguy69420: Don't be! 'cause behind the screens, I'm much more nice and understanding :D !

+Elbee buzzzzzzzzz: Too late.

+tallguy69420: WHAT?!

+Elbee buzzzzzzzzz: Kidding!

+tallguy69420: Phew!

Maybe Kosei is right. Maybe everything is just better behind a screen.

Behind the screens.

Suddenly, another text popped up on my phone. It was from Faith.

+my angel: I wanna break up

Welp, back to Connecticut!

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