Chapter 1.1

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Another day, another dollar, so the saying goes. 

At that moment though, Ezra would rather do anything then working a Tuesday at the library he worked at. The only people besides him were 3 high schoolers messing with the photo-copy machine, and 2 kids with an adult making paper cranes. 

The last twenty minutes of his shift were the most grueling of all, especially when the last couple of people were still inside and he had wait for them to leave before he could clock out. Ezra really did understand the importance of bonding with other people but did they really have to do it in his library with 15 minutes before closing?

He sighs to himself quietly before going to his computer and hitting the pre-recorded announcement button to play the fifteen warning. He sees the two groups perk up a bit, and begin the high schoolers start to pack up their things.

The two children go back to their folding however, completely ignoring the intercom. Ezra sighs and heads to the back to wait out the last few minutes of his shift in his phone. He goes into the back where the returned books are to be sorted to be put back in their spots.

He jumps up onto the counter and pulls his phone from out of his pocket. A text from Eiden shows up on his lock screen, a selfie Eiden wearing sunglasses as the background.

Dammit Eiden really was the center of his life. The only comfort Ezra got from that statement was that maybe, he was Eiden's center too.

A glint of red shine in the corner of his eye sight distracts Ezra from his overly sappy thoughts, the phone in his hand forgotten. A old, tattered book caught his attention. It had a brown leather cover, with a purple diamond sticking out the center. There wasn't a title, only more leather in a lighter tone cut into intricate designs to surround the gem.

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