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So much red.

A singular man stood at the center. Mutilated corpses sprawled around him.

Dull grey tiles were given a breath of life; a vivid scarlet dribbled, soaking into the man's beaten pants.

Peering her head from around the thick pillar, 'He betrayed them. Killed them. Brutally.'

Brown eyes flicker in amusement, digesting the grotesque display.

The pungent scent of death wafted in the air, and thick, vivacious blood oozed like a never ending fountain from each disfigured corpse.

Limbs contorted at odd degrees, and pink guts littered the ground. The Guardians of the Globe were practically unrecognizable.

'This babysitting gig just got interesting.' A foxy grin crept onto her face.

The man amongst it all, Omni-Man, ragged breaths escaped his lips. Falling to his knees, his eyelids grew heavy as he succumbed to sleep.

An airy laugh bubbled from her throat as she disappeared back into the shadows.

Soldiers stormed into the desolate room. Shock and disgust gripped them as they looked at the scene.

A massacre indeed.

This is going to be fun.

✰* ‧₊˚*-- 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙂𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙪𝙙𝙚 --* ‧₊˚*✰

As he wandered through the hallways of Pentagon Public High School, Mark felt numb; the world seemed to melt into itself.
It all seemed unreal.

The hospitalization of his father; the Guardians of the Globe's demise; and now the two Flaxen invasions-one of which was a triumph and the other a catastrophe.

If someone is motivated to follow the path of heroism, he must accept the bittersweet reality.

Pausing momentarily to face his locker; rummaging through.

Todd burst from a cloud of students, marching towards him. A huff of irritation gripped Mark as he turned to look at Todd.

"Why don't we just-" Mark began, abruptly slamming against his locker.

Todd held a firm grasp on his sweatshirt, seething through gritted teeth,"Shut it, Grayson."

Silence befell them-Todd jerked Mark closer "I'm sorry."
Bewilderment crossed Mark's features, "What."

Tightly lipid, his eyes flickered around the hall-Todd grumbled," I'm sorry I kicked your ass."

"I-I don't know what your saying."

"I'm sorry I kicked your ass, okay" Todd barked, his gaze ablaze from the humiliation.

"Oh. Thanks, I guess?" Mark muttered, grimacing at the awkward apology.

"Amber Bennett also wants to know if you'd like her number," Todd jeered.


"Do you want Amber's phone number, nerd!"
"Yes, but why are you..." Mark questioned, having Todd glance down ashamed," Because she found some old photos of me, okay?"

"Photos she said she'd delete if I did this one stupid thing, and then never talk to you again."

Thrusting him back into his locker, a folded paper along with him, "There. Have a crappy life with her. You both suck."

Departing as swiftly, agitated from the interaction; Mark peered down at the note with Amber's number scribbled down neatly.
A smug smirk crossed his features, " Photos of what, Todd?"

"Don't push your luck, Grayson," Todd hollered, continuing down the narrow halls.

The ringing and vibrations from his phone caught his attention, "Amber? I-I mean, uh, hello?"

The small smile slipped from his lips.

✰* ‧₊˚*-- 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙂𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙪𝙙𝙚 --* ‧₊˚*✰

The Flaxens rain rampant in DownTown of Chicago, and cries of agony grip the citizens. Fleeting the location with haste-some successful, numerous deceased.

Teen Team flies above not too far from the devastation in aircraft with Invincible and Atom Eve trailing behind. Robot analyzes the situation, " I have bad news."

Rex Splode peers over Robot's shoulder, feigning ignorance, " Oh! Robot's got bad news, everybody. Did ya hear that?"

"Hey Robot, what's the bad news?"

" There are too many of them, their technology has advanced too far, and they've rendered themselves immune to our time stream."

He continues, " We should consider the city lost. I will contact Cecil and suggest a nuclear response."

Baffled at the monotone reaction, "What? No!" "No Way!" Invincible bellowed, shaking his head in distress.

"We're not nuking anyone, Robot, and we're not giving up," Eve interjected, speeding ahead to the destruction-Invincible following suite.

DupliKate, glancing back at Robot, "What are we, Fight Force?" Hopping off the aircraft into battle.

"I love you man, but sometimes, you've got a screw loose," Rex spoke, leaping out as well.

"I don't use screws. My fastenings are all magnetic interlocks."

Let the battle commence.

✰* ‧₊˚*-- 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙂𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙪𝙙𝙚 --* ‧₊˚*✰

Thank you for reading!
Sorry for the late update:(

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