March 14th, 2024

177 33 13

Random Break, Whoops?

So yeah, if people didn't notice, a few of the clubs had a random break.

Raid has a survey being filled out in the Discord that is helping us decide on how it's going to proceed because of a few bumps that the mods have noticed.

While Exchange and Workshop... 

Cross got hit really hard with the flu out of nowhere U>_> And as the fairies did not have any prep time to know they were going to have to be ready to update, they didn't really have the time to handle it, and yeah... So, one week break for you guys?  

I'm starting to feel a bit better, so updates should get back to normal for things for those clubs soon.  Either Workshop or Raid may have a 3-week long update.  We'll see.  The Golden Dreamer for Exchange is going to be a week longer as well now.

So yeah.  Apologies for that, but the flu didn't care about Dreamland scheduling.  It's very rude like that xP

Always remember, guys.

Never stop dreaming! -

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