☆Welcome To Dreamland

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So, you've jumped down the rabbit hole and found yourself in Dreamland, have you? Welcome. You've made a great choice in coming here. Let's explain just where you've landed!

Dreamland Community is a community for all writers, offering various services to help you grow. We have four main ways of providing this:

--- Book Clubs

--- Community discord

--- Review book

--- Guide book

The last two of those are not updated as much as we wish due to most of the people who work on them being very busy Dreamers, but they are there for you to use as you wish. They are also the most self explanatory. So, unlike the first two, they will not have a chapter. If you are interested in the book clubs or community discord, proceed to Book Club Guide or The Discord of Dreamers.

If you have perhaps been around many communities or don't know their uses, let's discuss!

Communities of Wattpad tend to be places for writers to come together and help each other grow. There are various ways in which communities will do this, the most often way being book clubs.

We started as a single book club on the account of Cross-Warrior back in March of 2016. That's right. We are that old. But, in 2017, Cross-Warrior moved the book club to its own account, and since then, we have thrived.

What this community does for you depends on what you do for it. It can just get you some reads, or it can grow friendships and a sense of belonging while helping you to become the best writer you can. We hope you use it for the latter, but we also understand some people just want to up those numbers.

Now, let us explore this community.

Dreamland CommunityWhere stories live. Discover now