Chapter 7.

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Hanna slowly opened her eyes as the sun streamed into her room. It was a new day, but something felt different. Her hand reached out to the space beside her, but it was empty. Confusion spread through her as she realized Landon was gone.

Her gaze fell on a small note beside her bed. She snatched it up and read the words written on it: "6:15, my office. Be on time." It was short, but the message was clear. Anger bubbled up inside her as she wondered why he had treated her this way.

Without hesitation, she shot out of bed and began to dress, her thoughts a tangle of frustration and confusion. How could he just leave her without explanation?

By the time she reached his office, the sun was fully up. She pushed open the door and stepped inside, her gaze fixed on Landon, who was sitting at his desk, talking on the phone. "She can't be involved in this case," she heard him say, his voice hard and determined. It was Sergio on the other end of the line, clearly expressing his objections, according to Landon. Hanna froze, her heart pounding in her throat as she listened to the conversation. She didn't know what to feel - anger, disappointment, sadness. She wanted to walk away, but her feet seemed glued to the floor.

Sergio's voice sounded again through the phone. "She's staying on this project, Landon. I need her expertise, and you'll have to deal with it."

Landon sighed deeply, his frustration audible even through the phone line. "I don't want her here," he muttered, his words sharp and unyielding.

A lump formed in Hanna's throat as the truth of his words sank in. He didn't want her. Not on the project, not in his office, maybe not even in his life. With a jerk, she turned and stormed out of his office, tears burning in her eyes. She felt betrayed, humiliated, and above all, angry. But something in her pulled her feet back inside.

Hanna burst open the door of Landon's office, her eyes wild with anger as she stepped inside. Her breathing was heavy, her hands clenched into fists at her sides. She was ready to confront him, to unleash all her pent-up frustration and pain on him. Landon looked up from his desk, his eyes wide with surprise when he saw Hanna enter. He seemed to want to speak, but Hanna beat him to it. "I heard everything," she hissed, her voice trembling with restrained anger. "Everything you said. Everything you thought. And you know what, Landon? I don't want to work with you either." His face twisted with regret and despair as he looked at her, but Hanna didn't give him a chance to respond. She turned away, ready to leave the office and leave him behind for good. But as she took her first step, she felt a hand grab her arm and hold her back. She turned angrily, her eyes shooting fire.

"Don't you dare," she hissed, her voice filled with rage as she raised her fist towards him.

But instead of the blow she wanted to deliver, she felt his hands grip her wrists, holding them firmly and securely. She looked him straight in the eyes, her gaze full of a mixture of anger and astonishment. "Landon, let go of me," she snapped, her voice broken by the emotions raging inside her. He slowly shook his head, his eyes determined as he looked at her. "Not until you listen to me," he replied, his voice sharp and authoritative. Hanna struggled against his grip, but he didn't let go. Slowly, she calmed down, her breathing returning to normal as she continued to look at him.

"Landon, I..." she began, but he interrupted her.

"I've had enough of your impulsive behavior, Hanna," he bellowed, his voice filled with pent-up frustration. "You think you know everything, but you don't even know the whole story. So please, just shut up and stay calm!" Hanna pulled her wrists out of his grip, her eyes burning with anger as she looked at him. "You think you can command me, huh? Well, I don't listen to you, Landon. I don't listen to anyone!"

With a jerk, she turned and stormed out of the office, her breathing irregular as she ran down the hallway.


Landon leaned back in his chair, his hands folded behind his head as he sighed deeply. Sergio's words continued to echo in his mind, refusing to let him go.

"I know you don't want her to work on this case," Sergio had said.

Landon had remained silent, his thoughts a jumble of conflicting emotions. He wanted to protect Hanna, to keep her away from the dangers and drama associated with this case. But on the other hand, he knew she was an excellent lawyer, someone who could be invaluable to the team.

"I understand, Sergio," Landon had finally said.

After they hung up, he stood up with a sigh and walked to the window, his gaze fixed on the city skyline.

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